

Show projects containing the entered words
Status Project type Title Project lead Closing datesort ascending
Active Horizon Europe Synthesis of Bio-based and Biodegradable polymers from monomers from renewable Biowastes via Biocatalysis and Green Chemistry to contribute to European Circular Bioeconomy (Polymers-5B) Miķelis Kirpļuks 31 May 2028
Active European Partnerships Biodesign of polyurethane for thermal, acoustic and damping insulation applications” (BIODESIGN4INSULATION) Anda Fridrihsone 31 May 2027
Active LCS FARP Investigation of innovative biomass-based panels for application in external building facade Gunārs Pavlovičs 31 Dec 2026
Active LCS FARP The development of innovative wheat straw-reinforced composite material based on hybrid polymer matrix with functional bioadditives from lignocellulosic by-products for packaging applications Galia Shulga 31 Dec 2026
Active LCS FARP Smart twisting active rotor blades with a functionally graded foam core Uģis Cābulis 31 Dec 2026
Active LCS FARP Innovative mycelium biocomposites (MB) from plant residual biomass with enhanced properties for sustainable solutions Ilze Irbe 31 Dec 2026
Active LCS FARP Development of Biopolymer-based Hydrophobic Multi-layer Packaging Material from Biomass Waste Streams Inese Filipova 31 Dec 2026
Active Horizon Europe Bio-based Solutions for Improved Acoustic Applications - Bio-Acouis Laura Andže 31 Dec 2026
Active Horizon 2020 VIOBOND – sustainable binder: Upscaling new lignin-phenol-formaldehyde resin production with wood-based biorefinery lignin Jānis Rižikovs 31 Aug 2026
Active LCS FARP Study of microplastics formation from wood plastic composites and evaluation of prevention possibilities (MicroWPC) Ingeborga Andersone 31 Dec 2025
Active Horizon 2020 Sustainable production of Cellulose-based products and additives to be used in SMEs and rural areas - CELISE Laura Andže 20 Sep 2025
Active ERA-NET BarkBuild – Tree bark as a renewable source of wood protection materials for building applications Jānis Rižikovs 28 Feb 2025
Active LCS FARP Investigation of eco-friendly thermal insulation materials from sustainable and renewable industrial crops residuals Ramūnas Tupčiauskas 31 Dec 2024
Active LZP FLPP Complex application of products obtained by water extraction of tree bark for the formation of a three-dimensional polyurethane matrix with increased thermo-oxidative stability and availability to microbial mediated degradation Aleksandrs Aršaņica 31 Dec 2024
Active ERA-NET WOODforHEALTH – promoting safe and extended use of wood products in health buildings through development of antimicrobial surfaces, hygiene concepts, and guidelines Bruno Andersons 31 Dec 2024
Active VPP Smart Materials, Photonics, Technologies and Engineering Ecosystems 30 Nov 2024
Active LCS FARP High bio-based content thermoset polymer foam development from plant origin oils (Bio-Mer) Miķelis Kirpļuks 31 Mar 2024
Active EEA and Norway Grants Sustainably Produced Carbon Nanomaterials for Energy Applications (SuNaMa) Gaļina Dobele 31 Dec 2023
Active ERAF- Birch bark as a valuable renewable raw material for producing formaldehyde-free particle boards and suberinic acids polyols for the development of polyurethanes Jānis Rižikovs 30 Nov 2023
Active ERAF- Study of obtaining, production and application of high specific surface area birch outer bark betulin particles in dispersed systems Aigars Pāže 30 Nov 2023
Active ERAF- Development of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives Inese Filipova 30 Nov 2023
Active ERAF- Improvement of wood-based biorefinery by innovative conversion of residues to nanoporous carbon materials (BiReMa) Aivars Žūriņš 30 Nov 2023
Active ERAF- The development of an efficient pilot-scale leghemoglobine production technology, based on recombinant Pichia pastoris and Kluyveromyces lactis fed-batch fermentations. (BioHeme) Juris Vanags 30 Nov 2023
Active ERAF- Nitrogen and phosphorus-containing biomass based activated carbons for fuel cells and supercapacitors Aleksandrs Volperts 30 Jun 2023
Active ERAF- Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta kapacitātes stiprināšana dalībai starptautiskās sadarbības projektos Uģis Cābulis 30 Jun 2023
Active ERAF- Investigation of the impact of phosphorus-containing catalysts on the conversion of wood C-5 and C-6 polysaccharides into products with high potential for integrated biorefineries Prans Brazdausks 30 Jun 2023
Active ERAF- A biorefinery approach to the separation and application of the products of lignocellulose pyrolysis Kristīne Meile 30 Jun 2023
Active ERAF- Scale-up research of the microbiological soil fertilizer and biocontrol agent obtainment in submerged and surface cultivation processes 30 Apr 2023
Active ERAF- Study of a novel bio-refining method for obtaining 2-furaldehyde, acetic acid and pulp from birch wood Māris Puķe 12 Jan 2023
Active LCS FARP Elimination of Rigid PU Foam Thermal Insulation Shortcomings by Determining and Adjusting the Factors Influencing Gas Permeability of Polymer Matrix (PURGE) 31 Dec 2022
Active ERAF- Commercialization of technology of plywood thermal modification Juris Grīniņš 30 Sep 2022
Active ERAF- Commercialization of the technology of obtaining lignocellulose bulk thermal insulation material Ramūnas Tupčiauskas 30 Jun 2022
Active ERAF- Commercialization of the synthesis of rapeseed oil and recycled polyethylene terephthalate polyols (ROPET) Uģis Cābulis 30 Jun 2022
Active ERAF- Commercialization of the technology of the synthesis of autocatalytic tall oil fatty acid polyols (ACTOPOL) Miķelis Kirpļuks 30 Jun 2022
Active ERAF- Commercialization of efficient and ecological glucose solution production technology Prans Brazdausks 30 Jun 2022
Active ERAF- Inovatīvs zaļās ekstrakcijas process, izveidojot jaunu biorafinēšanas klāsteru, kas orientēts uz fitoķīmiskajām vielām un biomateriālu ražošanu no nepietiekami izmantotas koksnes biomasas 31 May 2022
Active ERAF- Crypthecodinium cohnii un Zymomonas mobilis sintrofija omega 3 taukskābju ražošanai no biodegvielas un cukura rūpniecības blakusproduktiem 31 Mar 2022
Active ERAF- Investigation of binder-less fibreboards made of steam-exploded wheat straw and hemp shives Ramūnas Tupčiauskas 31 Mar 2022
Active ERAF- Study of gluing and impregnation processes for the development of new bent glued wood products’ production 31 Mar 2022
Active Horizon 2020 Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport (CollectionCare) 28 Feb 2022
Active ERAF- Development of pilot equipment park shed and ventilation system in Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Uģis Cābulis 31 Dec 2021
Completed ERAF- Gaistošus organiskus savienojumus nesaturošu, uzsmidzināmu poliuretāna pārklājumu izstrādne no atjaunojamo izejvielu resursiem 31 Dec 2021
Active ERANET Development of Biobased Cryogenic Insulation Modified with Nanocrystalline Cellulose (Bio4Cryo) Uģis Cābulis 31 Dec 2021
Completed LZP FLPP Chemical modification of phenol-formaldehyde resins for use as novel wood treatment agent Juris Grīniņš 31 Dec 2021
Active ERAF- Ekoloģiskas suberīnskābes saturošas koksnes kompozītmateriālu saistvielas iegūšanas tehnoloģijas komercializācija Jānis Rižikovs 30 Sep 2021
Active ELFLA New biological means and methods of their application for the protection of coniferous seedings against damage by artiodactyls and dendrophagous insects 31 Aug 2021
Active LCS FARP Wood-imitating biocomposites (WOODMIMIC) 31 Aug 2021
Completed ERAF- “Competence Centre of Electrical and Optical Equipment Production Sector of Latvia”, Research activity No. 2.8. “Thermal conductivity testing system for cryogenic insulation” Uģis Cābulis 31 May 2021
Active ERAF- Bērza tāss suberīnskābju izmantošanas iespēju izpēte saplākšņa ražošanā Aigars Pāže 31 Dec 2020
Completed ERAF- Bērza saplākšņa īpašību uzlabošana, izmantojot impregnēšanu ar polimēru sveķu šķīdumiem Juris Grīniņš 31 Dec 2020
Active ERAF- Būvdarbu veikšana Dzērbenes ielā 27 un Dzērbenes ielā 27B, Rīgā, kadastra Nr.01001150310001, 01001150309011 30 Dec 2020
Completed ERAF- Study of novel method for nanocellulose isolation from biomass and its residues Inese Filipova 30 Nov 2020
Active LCS FARP Forest industry by-product transformation into valueable bio-polyols using advanced heteregeneous phase biocatalyst and characterization of the process kinetics (FORinPOL) Uģis Cābulis 30 Nov 2020
Active ERAF- Izmeklētas uz modeli bāzētas substrāta piebarošanas ātruma kontroles sistēmas ar prognozi izstrāde rekombinantu un ne-rekombinantu mikroorganismu fermentācijas procesu produktivitātes uzlabošanai Oskars Grīgs 15 Oct 2020
Completed ERAF- Ar nano/mikro celulozi pildīti poliuretāna/poliizociānurāta siltumizolācijas materiāli Uģis Cābulis 30 Jun 2020
Completed ERAF- Jaunas pieejas izstrādāšana vienlaicīgai bioetanola, furfurola un citu vērtīgu produktu bezatlikuma iegūšanai no vietējiem zemkopības pārpalikumiem Aleksandrs Rapoports 2 Mar 2020
Completed ERAF- Koksne ar uzlabotām kalpošanas īpašībām, kombinējot termiskās modifikācijas un impregnēšanas apstrādi Bruno Andersons 31 Jan 2020
Completed ERAF- Developing an innovative technology for producing levoglucosenone from lignocellulose Aivars Žūriņš 31 Jan 2020
Completed ERAF- Magnētiskā lauka ierosinātas maisīšanas ietekme uz biotehnoloģiskajiem procesiem Juris Vanags 31 Dec 2019
Completed ERAF- Bērza mizas pārstrāde ekoloģiskos šķiedru biokompozītos un produktos ar augstu pievienoto vērtību Jānis Rižikovs 11 Dec 2019
Completed Horizon 2020 Combined Ultrasonic and Enzyme treatment of Lignocellulosic Feedstock as Substrate for Sugar Based Biotechnological Applications (US4GREENCHEM) 30 Jun 2019
Completed ERAF- Mikroorganismu augšanas kontrole ar mākslīgām inteliģentām sistēmām Juris Vanags 31 Jul 2018
Completed LVKĶI-Bioekonomika-2017 Regeneration and modification of cellulose for obtaining environment friendly materials (RenModCell) 31 Dec 2017
Completed LVKĶI-Bioekonomika Atkrituma biomasas no koksnes pārstrādes notekūdeņiem kā izmantošanas potenciāls videi draudzīgo kompozītmateriālu radīšanai (AtkritBiomasKM) Sanita Vītoliņa 31 Dec 2017
Completed LVKĶI-Bioekonomika Inovatīvi biomimētiski kompleksi uz lignīna/lignocelulozes un aminoskābju/proteīnu pamata „augsnes-augu” sistēmas produktivitātes un ekoloģiskās stabilitātes paaugstināšanai 31 Dec 2017
Completed ERAF- Dalība Apvārsnis 2020 projektos Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta zinātniskās kapacitātes un atpazīstamības sekmēšanai Bruno Andersons 30 Nov 2015
Completed ERAF- Saplāksnis no termiski modificētiem finieriem ar uzlabotām ilgizturības īpašībām Bruno Andersons 31 Aug 2015
Completed ERAF- Investigation of ecofriendly molded paper fibre materials for use of food packing with additives from renewable resources 31 Aug 2015
Completed ERAF- Nanostructural carbon for supercapacitors electrodes Aivars Žūriņš 31 Aug 2015
Completed ESF- Jaunas zinātniskās grupas izveide adhezīva izstrādes pētījumiem Aleksandrs Arnautovs 31 Aug 2015
Completed ERAF- Inovatīvu poliolu un poliolu sistēmu izstrādne no reciklēta polietilēntereftalāta (PET) pārslām un atjaunojamo izejvielu resursiem Uģis Cābulis 31 Aug 2015
Completed ERAF- Granulēto augu biomasas kurināmā kvalitātes paaugstināšana impregnējot tās virsmas slāni ar augstās enerģētiskās ietilpības šķidro energonesēju atkritumiem, iepriekš apstrādājot biomasu zemas intensitātes mikroviļņu laukā 31 Jul 2015
Completed ERAF- Augstvērtīgu produktu ieguves izpēte, izmantojot mikroaļģu kultivāciju laboratorijas un pilota mērogā fotobioreaktoros Juris Vanags 30 Apr 2015
Completed ERAF- Meža un ūdens resursu valsts nozīmes pētījumu centra zinātnes infrastruktūras attīstība 31 Mar 2015
Completed ERAF- Jauna tehnoloģija kalcija karbonāta un bioūdeņraža ieguvei biomasas reakcijā ar sārmu Juris Zoldners 31 Dec 2013
Completed ERAF- Ar dabīgiem materiāliem pildītu cieto poliizocianurāta bioputuplastu izstrāde 31 Dec 2013
Completed ERAF- Bezatlikuma tehnoloģija bioetanola un citu vērtīgu produktu ieguvei no lapkoku koksnes 31 Dec 2013
Completed ERAF- Improvement of an innovative levoglucosan obtaining technology and use of by-products Aivars Žūriņš 31 Dec 2013
Completed ERAF- Bioloģiski aktīvu vielu un polimērmateriālu izejvielu iegūšana no bērza mizu pārpalikumiem 31 Dec 2013