2011 - iegūts inženierzinātņu doktora grāds (Dr.Sc.Ing.), ķīmijas inženierzinātnes nozares vispārīgās ķīmijas tehnoloģijas apakšnozarē
Scientific interests and competence
Koksnes un tās materiālu fizikālo, anatomisko, mehānisko īpašību pētījumi
The most important projects
Latvian Science Council Project No. lzp-2023/1-0348 " Investigation of innovative biomass-based panels for application in external building facade" (2024-2026).
Latvian Science Council Project No. lzp-2021/1-0599 " Investigation of eco-friendly thermal insulation materials from sustainable and renewable industrial crops residuals" (2022-2024).
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) measure Project No. KC-PI-2020/13 “Commercialization of lignocellulosic loose-fill thermal insulation material production technology” (2020-2022).
The most important publications
Tupciauskas, R., Berzins, A., Pavlovics, G. Bikovens, O., Filipova, I., Andze, L., Andzs, M., Optimization of thermal conductivity vs. bulk density of steam-exploded loose-fill annual lignocellulosics. Materials 2023, 16 (10), 654;
Berzins, A., Tupciauskas, Andzs, M., Pavlovichs, G. Development of thermal insulation materials from plant fibres by steam explosion pre-treatment. Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 21–22 September, Goettingen, Germany, 2022, pp. 177–180.
Berzins, A., Tupciauskas, R., Andzs, M., Pavlovichs, G. Potential of Some Latvian Industrial Crops Residuals for Conversion to Bio-Based Thermal Insulation Material. Materials Science Forum, 2022, 1071, 139-146 (Proceedings of the International Conference for Young Scientists on Biorefinery Technologies and Products BTechPro2022).
A. Arshanitsa, T. Dizhbite, O. Bikovens, G. Pavlovich, A. Andersone, G. Telysheva.. Effect of Microwave Treatment on the Chemical Structure of Lignocarbohydrate Matrix of Softwood and Hardwood. ENERGY & FUELS 2016, 30, pp. 457- 464.
Grinins J., Andersons B., Andersone I., Meija-Feldmane A., Janberga A., Pavlovics G., Sansonetti E. 2016. Thermo-hydro treated (THT) birch veneer for plywood production with improved properties. Holzforschung, 70(8),739-746.
Grinins J., Irbe I., Andersons B., Andersone I., Meija-Feldmane A., Janberga A., Pavlovics G., Sansonetti E. 2016. Thermo-hydro treated (THT) birch plywood with improved service properties.International Wood Products Journal, 7(4),181 -187.