Patents - offer for innovations
13.07.2022 - LAS Yearbook 2022 - Commercialisation of LSIWC research results - obtaining technology of betulin
The most unique product in the world - Birch outer bark suberinic acids binder for the production of harmless furniture, particle boards and plywood. Project is co-financed by ERDF 1.2.1. specific support goal “To Increase the Private Sector Investments R&D”; measure “Support for Improvement of Technology Transfer System”. See
Patents - offer for innovations
- Andersons, B., Cirule, D., Kuka, E., Irbe, I., Andersone, I., Verovkins, A., Kurnosova, N., Sansonetti, E., Antons, A. (2021). Method of impregnating wood. LV 15585 B1 (priority: 28.01.2020). Espacenet
- Krasiļņikova, J., Teliševa, G., Lauberte, L., Kistanova, E., Abadjieva, D., Stoyanova, E., Monfoulet, J.-B. L.-E. A. (2021). Agent for decreasing the adhesion of monocytes to andothelial cells. LV 15531 B1 (priority: 08.05.2019). Espacenet
- Rižikovs, J., Pāže, A., Makars, R., Tupčiauskas, R. (2021). Method for obtaining thermoreactive binders for the production of wood composite materials from birch outer bark. LV 15556 A (priority: 13.09.2019). Espacenet
==> WO 2021024152 A1 wipo
==> EP 3807341 A1 Espacenet
- Sansonetti, E., Cīrule, D., Kuka, E., Andersons, B., Andersone, I. (2021). Protective coating for thermally modified wood. LV 15469 B (priority: 13.07.2018). Espacenet
- Žūriņs, A., Dobele, G., Voļperts, A., Pomilovskis, R., Godiņa, D., Iļjina, I., Meile. K. (2021). Complex processing of cellulose containing material. LV 15587 B1 (priority: 18.02.2020) Espacenet
- Krasiļņikova, J., Teliševa, G., Kistanova, E., Abadjieva, D., Stayanova, E., Chervenkov, M., Ivanova, L., Berķis, U., Dižbite, T., Lauberte, L. (2020). Agent for decreasing activity of methyltransferase in mammal cells). LV 15385 B (priority: 04.06.2018.). Espacenet
- Šuļga, G., Vītoliņa, S., Neiberte, B., Reihmane, S., Žilinska, E. (2020). Coagulation-floculation method for the separation of biomass containing lignin and hemicelluloses from the wastewater of wood processing enterprises). LV 15410 B (priority: 11.12.2017). Espacenet
- Andžs, M., Grāvītis, J., Tupčiauskas, R., Vēveris, A. (2019). Loose-fill thermal insulation material made from lignocellulose and production method thereof. LV 15328 B (priority: 21.10.2016). Espacenet
- Krasiļņikova, J., Teliševa, G., Kistanova, E., Abadjieva, D., Stoyanova, E., Chervenkov, M.,Tretjakovs, P., Berķis, U., Dižbite, T., Lauberts, M. (2019). Remedy for increasing mitochondrial DNA in mammalian cells. LV 15451 A (priority: 17.07.2018.). Espacenet
- Krasiļņikova, J.; Teliševa, G.; Kistanova, E.; Abadjieva, D.; Stayanova, E.; Chervenkov, M.; Tretjakovs, P.; Berķis, U.; Dižbite, T.; Lauberts, M. (2018) Remedy for increasing mitochondrial DNA in mammalian cells. LV 15311 B, (priority: 09.01.2018). Espacenet