1998 – PhD in chemistry (Dr.chem.), Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry.
1967 – Engineer technologist qualification, Speciality – chemical technology, Riga Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Chemistry.
Scientific interests and competence
Wood in buildings, construction and living environment. Wood and wood-based materials degradation with microorganisms, fire and outdoor environment. Use of preservatives and protection treatments for wood materials upgrading including thermal modification. Research of wood degradation mechanisms caused by different factors: instrumental and analytical methods. Cultural heritage: research and conservation.
The most important projects
2017-2020 – ERDF project – Wood with improved service properties due to combination of thermal modification and impregnation (No., leading researcher.
2016-2018 – FSCC project – Wood based composites with improved properties (No., leading researcher.
2014-2017 – SRP project – Forest and earth entrails resources: research and sustainable utilization – new products and technologies (ResProd) (No. 2014.10-4/VPP-6/6), leading researcher.
2014-2015 – ERDF project – Plywood from thermally modified veneer with improved durability properties (No. 2014/0018/2DP/, leading researcher.
2012-2015 – FSCC project – Wood composite materials with improved properties (No. 4-06/32-P4), leading researcher.
More information
2006 – Current Latvian Materials Research Society.
2015-2019 – COST FP 1407. Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife) (substitutes of the Latvian representative in Management Committee, MC).
2013-2017 – COST FP 1303. Performance of bio-based building materials (MC).
2011-2015 – COST FP 1006. Bringing new functions to wood through surface modification (MC).
Lecture course „Biodegradation, protection and Conservation of wood” for students of the institute of polymer materials of the Faculty of materials science and applied chemistry, Riga technical university in the speciality „Conservation and Restoration Technologies”.
Lecture course for students of the Faculty of materials science and applied chemistry, Riga technical university on the subject „Chemistry and technology of wood”: „Durability and biological damages of wood”, „degradation of wood with insects”, “chemical protection of wood”.
Separate lectures for Mg. students of the forest Faculty of the Latvian university of Agriculture on wood degradation with biological agents and fire, wood preservatives and protection methods.
The most important publications
Andersone, I., Dobele, G., Andersons, B., Kurnosova., N., Kuka, E., Volperts, A. A study of thermo-hydro-treated birch wood by chemical analysis and Py-GC/MS. Holzforschung, 2019, Published Online: 2019-03-05 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2018-0169).
Andersons, B., Andersone, I., Zudrags, K., Sansonetti, E. Impregnated and covered birch plywood performance during external exposure. Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2018, 13(1), 21-27 (doi: 10.1080/17480272.2016.1231715).
Andersons, B., Andersone, I., Irbe, I., Fridrihsone, V., Lūsis, R. Exploration of waterlogged piles and wooden constructions of Riga Dome Cathedral. Document IRG/WP 17-10901, 2017, 6 pp. (Availble here).
Andersons, B., Noldt, G., Koch, G., Andersone, I., Meija-Feldmane, A., Biziks, V., Irbe, I., Grinins, J. Scanning UV microspectrophotometry as a tool to study the changes of lignin in hydrothermally modified wood. Holzforschung, 2016, 70(3), 215–221 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2015-0027).
Biziks, V., Van Den Bulcke, J., Grinins, J., Militz, H., Andersons, B., Andersone, I., Dhaene, J., Van Acker, J. Assessment of wood microstructural changes after one-stage thermo-hydro treatment (THT) by micro X-ray computed tomography. Holzforschung, 2016, 70(2), 167 – 177 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2014-0337).
Biziks V., Andersons B., Sansonetti E., Andersone I., Militz H., Grinins J. One stage thermo-hydro treatment (THT) of hardwoods: an analysis of form stability after five soaking-drying cycles. Holzforschung, 2015, 69(5), 563-571 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2014-0083).
Rowell, R.M., Andersone, I., Andersons, B. Heat treatment. Chapter 14 in Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites. Second Edition, CRC Press, 2012, 511-536 (Availble here).