High bio-based content thermoset polymer foam development from plant origin oils (Bio-Mer)


Project status


Project execution time

01.01.2021 to 31.03.2024

Project type


Project number


Project manager

Miķelis Kirpļuks

Involved laboratories

Polymer laboratory

Call, activity

Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research Project 2020/1 (LCS FARP 2020/1)

Project goal

The objective of the Bio-Mer project is to develop a thermoset polymer with close to 100% bio-based raw material content.

The potential of the available bio-resources in value-added sectors still needs to be maximised. The Bio-Mer objectives will contribute towards knowledge intensive bioeconomy, which is a cornerstone for Latvia`s and European Union`s sustainable growth and development.Locally available resources such as rapeseed oil and pulp production side stream tall oil fatty acids will be used to synthesize a two-component system that will cure at room temperature after mixing, forming mechanically rigid, non-biodegradable and highly cross-linked polymer. First, two types of bio-based monomers will be synthesised and used, Michael donor – monomer containing acetoacetate groups and Michael acceptor – monomer containing acrylic acid moieties. Afterwards, the polymerization through the nucleophilic carbon-Michael addition will be used to develop bio-based thermoset polymer matrix, the physical and thermal properties will be studied. The proposed technology has a potential in the production of two-component polymer foams, resins and coatings. The proposed technology will be a direct alternative to the two-component polyurethane material production methods. All these activities will be performed in conjunction with sustainability studies. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) will enable the metrics of eco-efficiency to guide/identify a product solution with little environmental burden.

Place of project implementation – Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), Dzerbenes str. 27, Riga, LV-1006 (koks@edi.lv).
Planned total duration of the project – 36 months.