Development of Biobased Cryogenic Insulation Modified with Nanocrystalline Cellulose (Bio4Cryo)

Project status


Project execution time

01.09.2018 to 31.12.2021

Project type


Project number

Project manager

Uģis Cābulis

Involved laboratories

Polymer laboratory

Call, activity

ERA-NET Cofund M-ERA.Net 2

Project goal

Aim of the project: The Bio4Cryo project aims to develop multi-layer polyurethane cryogenic insulation with a thermoreflective coating, using sustainable resources from agricultural & forest industry.

Biobased cryogenic insulation materials are innovation on global level. A big concern for Europe is dependence on fossil feedstock in chemical & energy production due to economic considerations but also due to broader perspective of sustainability.

The Bio4Cryo project aims to focus Europe's common efforts towards a sustainable, high value biobased economy using European origin biobased feedstock and to improve Europe's industrial competitiveness, sustainability and strengthen the industrial leadership.

Bio4Cryo will focus on industrially feasible and up-scalable technologies while taking into account sustainability of developed products & technologies.
The Bio4Cryo project in divided in 7 work packages (activities) from whom one work package is related to project coordination. LSIWC is the leader of 5 job packages.

The Bio4Cryo project foresees the following activities:

WP 1: Development on novel polyols from biobased feedstock,
WP 2: Nanocrystalline cellulose preparation and characterization,
WP 3: Development of innovative thermal/thermoreflective coatings for biobased PU cryogenic insulation,
WP 4: Development of multi-layer cryogenic insulations,
WP 5: Testing and evaluation of PU foams and multi-layer materials at room and at cryogenic temperatures,
WP 6: Upscaling of PU foam production,
WP 7: Environmental assessment of developed cryogenic insulation.

The total cost of the project is: EUR 452 000. The amount of funding for LSIWC is EUR 210 000, of which EUR 178 500 from the European Regional Development Fund, EUR 31 500 from the state budget. ERDF support for Latvian participation in ERA-NET Cofund project consortia Financing and monitoring of the Latvian part of non-operational research projects is provided within the framework of the project "Support for International Cooperation Projects in Research and Innovation", which is being implemented by SEDA.

Place of project implementation for coordinatorLatvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), Dzerbenes str. 27, Riga, LV-1006 (
Planned total duration of the project – 36 months
Project Scientific Supervisor for Coordinator: Dr.Sc.Ing. Ugis Cabulis (