“Competence Centre of Electrical and Optical Equipment Production Sector of Latvia”, Research activity No. 2.8. “Thermal conductivity testing system for cryogenic insulation”

Project status


Project execution time

01.11.2019 to 31.05.2021

Project type


Project number

Project manager

Uģis Cābulis

Involved laboratories

Polymer laboratory

Call, activity

Operational programme "Growth and employment", specific support objective 1.2.1. "To increase investments of private sector in R&D", activity "Support for new products and technologies within the competence centres", 4th phase

Project goal

Aim of the call: Support for the operation of centers of compotence in the areas of Smart specialization strategies - support for the implementation of individual research and collaborative research projects, incl. industrial research, experimental development and feasibility studies (support for projects to develop and introduce new products and technologies into production).

Aim of the project: Create a universal system for more accurate measurement results, allowing connection between several different sensors and transmitters, synchronization of measurements, digital conversion of high-precision measurement results, transmission of measurement results via transmission lines and communication networks, storage of measurement results after the execution time associated with the experiments performed, as well as providing indication and visualization of the measurement process.

Main activities to be carried out in the study:

  1. Develop technical documentation;
  2. Produce the components of the measuring equipment;
  3. Develop and verify software for the equipment;
  4. Assembly, validation and verification of measuring equipment;
  5. Publicity of project results.

Planned research results:

  1. A complex system for the measurement of thermal conductivity at cryogenic temperatures has been developed;
  2. Measuring equipment (prototype) for testing cryogenic isolation;
  3. Publication of scientific articles.

Reasearch duration – 19 months.

Total eligible costs 267 924.34 EUR. The amount of LSIWC funding is 45 191.54 EUR, including public funding of 20 891.73 EUR.