Development of Biopolymer-based Hydrophobic Multi-layer Packaging Material from Biomass Waste Streams

Project status


Project execution time

01.01.2024 to 31.12.2026

Project type


Project number


Project manager

Inese Filipova

Involved laboratories

Cellulose Laboratory

Call, activity

Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research Project 2022/1 (LCS FARP 2023/1)

Project goal

The main goal of proposed research is to create fully natural, strong and water proof layered packaging material combining hemp waste materials as fiber source and natural polymers chitosan and suberin for coatings and interlayers.
Scientific goals of proposed research are: (i) to reveal interaction of natural hydrophobic polymers chitosan and suberin, their co-working possibilities or interfering factors regarding improving hydrophobicity of fiber materials; (ii) to create natural cellulose fiber-based material with hydrophobic and unprecedented mechanical properties, competitive with synthetic packaging materials; (iii) to develop and adjust the effective and sufficient methods for layering cellulose fibers, suberin (and suberinic acids), chitosan (with and without nanocellulose filler) via electrospinning and/or casting or rolling techniques for targeted outcome – hydrophobic packaging material with maximum mechanical strength.

The biggest challenge of BIOHYDROPACK project is the compatibility of fibers and natural polymers to improve properties and ensure the maximum expression of their natural hydrophobicity properties in a newly created material at TRL 4.




Project activities

01.01.2024 - Starting of project.