Completed |
Chemical modification of phenol-formaldehyde resins for use as novel wood treatment agent |
Dr. sc. ing. Juris Grīniņš |
Completed |
Development of pilot equipment park shed and ventilation system in Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry |
Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
Development of Biobased Cryogenic Insulation Modified with Nanocrystalline Cellulose (Bio4Cryo) |
Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
Collaborative |
Forest road dust supression. Stage 1 – laboratory studies |
Dr. habil. chem. Galija Šuļga |
Completed |
Commercialisation of an eco-friendly suberic acid-based wood composite binder technology |
Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Rižikovs |
Completed |
New biological means and methods of their application for the protection of coniferous seedings against damage by artiodactyls and dendrophagous insects |
Completed |
Wood-imitating biocomposites (WOODMIMIC) |
Dr. sc. ing. Inese Filipova |
Completed |
ERDF- PostDoc Latvia |
European Researchers' Night in Latvia 2020 |
Completed |
“Latvijas elektrisko un optisko iekārtu nozares kompetences centrs”, pētījums Nr. 2.8. “Kriogēnās izolācijas siltumvadītspējas testēšanas sistēma” |
Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
Study of gluing and impregnation processes for the development of new bent glued wood products’ production |
Dr. chem. Bruno Andersons |
Completed |
ERDF- PostDoc Latvia |
Improving the properties of birch plywood by impregnation with polymer resin solutions |
Dr. sc. ing. Juris Grīniņš |
Completed |
ERDF- PostDoc Latvia |
Investigation of suberic acids for application in birch plywood |
Dr. sc. ing. Aigars Pāže |
Completed |
Integration of secure technologies for protection against Covid-19 in healthcare and high risk areas |
Dr. sc. ing. Inese Filipova |
Completed |
Renovation at Street Dzērbenes 27 and 27B, Riga, Nr.01001150310001, 01001150309011 |
Completed |
ERDF- PostDoc Latvia |
Study of novel method for nanocellulose isolation from biomass and its residues |
Dr. sc. ing. Inese Filipova |
Completed |
Forest industry by-product transformation into valueable bio-polyols using advanced heteregeneous phase biocatalyst and characterization of the process kinetics (FORinPOL) |
Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
ERDF- PostDoc Latvia |
Development of advanced model-based on-line control system for productivity improvement of recombinant and non-recombinant microorganism cultivation processes |
Dr. sc. ing. Oskars Grīgs |
Completed |
Technology for the production of biofuels with improved characteristics for consumers, based on microwave treatment of lignocellulosic biomass |
Completed |
Nano/micro cellulose filled polyurethane/polyisocyanurate thermal insulation materials |
Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
Development of a new approach for the simultaneous production of bioethanol, furfural and other valuable residue-free products from local agricultural residues |