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The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry is open to various forms of cooperation to promote the development of fundamental and applied science, to strengthen students' interest in a science career,  and to promote the implementation of innovative, sustainable technologies in the economy. The Institute is represented in a number of associations, such as, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO),  European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE), Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the BIOEAST inniciative, staff of LSIWC are involved in the work of the Academy of Sciences, Latvian Association of Young Researchers, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Nordic Network of Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), and other thematic associations.


We cooperate with local and international research organisations in various projects.

  • We are open to writing new project proposals and co-authored publications.
  • We are happy to engage in staff exchange to share knowledge and best practices.
  • We are involved in academic work as student consultants, supervisors, reviewers, and committee members.

More information about our research topics can be found here.


We have successful cooperation with entrepreneurs in local and international projects. One of the priorities of LSIWC is up-scaling and commercialisation of the developed technologies, which is ensured by the recently built Pilot-scale hangar.

  • We offer consultations and contract research in various topics related to wood and other biomass conversion.
  • We can perform tests and analysis for various raw materials and products.

More information about our research topics can be fund here, and a list of our services is here.


We actively promote science among pupils and students, by taking part in events, such as, "Shadow Days" or the European Researchers' Night. Our Student Council is especially active in communication with the younger generation.

  • Student groups are welcome to visit the Institute and see our work any time.
  • LSIWC researchers supervise Scientific projects for schools (ZPD) and student thesis for universities,
  • and give lectures in several educational facilities.

We offer wonderful opportunities for the professional development of young people!