The Institute is governed by a collegial body of Institute scientists - the Scientific Council and the Director.
The Institute's governing body is its Scientific Council. The Director of the Institute is the highest official of the Institute, who shall exercise the general administrative management of the Institute and shall represent the Institute, without special authorisation, in matters relating to the administrative activities of the Institute. The Director shall perform the duties and functions laid down in the Law on Scientific Activities.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry is a collegial decision-making body, which is elected by the general assembly of scientists and which operates in accordance with the Law on Scientific Activities and the Statute of the Scientific Council of the Institute.

Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Rižikovs

Dr. chem. Laura Andže

Dr. chem. Bruno Andersons

Dr. chem. Oskars Bikovens

Dr. sc. ing. Inese Filipova

Ph. D. Miķelis Kirpļuks

Dr. chem. Kristīne Meile

Dr. chem. Māris Lauberts

Dr. sc. ing. Māris Puķe

Dr. sc. ing. Ramūnas Tupčiauskas

Dr. sc. ing. Aivars Žūriņš
Students Council
The Student Council unites students working at the institute, doctoral degree applicants and young scientists in order to involve them in the scientific, academic and cultural life of the institute, as well as to form a common voice, expressing a position on various current issues.

Ph. D. Daniela Godiņa