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Scientific interests and competences

  • The chemical and physical-chemical structural transformation of wood and grasses lignins (industrial and non-industrial) and other plant polyphenolics depending on origin and processing conditions
  • The basic chemical and physical-chemical positions of deep lignin modification in view of lignin application as renewable macromonomer for bioplastic development

Additional information

International scientific contacts:

SEKAB, Sweden (Dr. J. Lindstedt); University of Torino, Italy (prof. Giancarlo Cravotto); Wageningen University, Netherlnds (Dr. Richard J. A. Gosselink); AMANDUS KAHL Gmbh.&Co, Germany (Dr. W. Sitzmann); University of Aveiro, Portugal (prof. D. Evtjugin); Belarus State University, Groningen University, Netherlands (prof. P.Deus).

Reviewer’ activity:

  • certificates of reviewing in recognition of the reviews made for ELSEVIER journal Renewable Energy
  • certificate of reviewing in recognition of the reviews made for ELSEVIER journal Industrial Crops and Products


  • In 2016: The Ministry of Agriculture of Latvian Forestry award "Golden Cone" For the contribution of science to the development of industry
  • In 2015: Latvian Academy of Sciences award for “Latvian science’s the most important accomplishment in practical applications”

The most important publications

  • Arshanitsa A.; Ponomarenko J.; Pals M.; Jashina L.
    Controlling the reactivity of hydrophilic bark extractives as biopolyols in urethane-formation reactions using various catalysts

    Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 204, 117385, doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117385

  • Arshanitsa A.; Ponomarenko J.; Pals M.; Jashina L.; Lauberts M.
    Impact of Bark-Sourced Building Blocks as Substitutes for Fossil-Derived Polyols on the Structural, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Networks

    Polymers, 2023, 15(17), 3503, doi: 10.3390/polym15173503

  • Arshanitsa A.; Ponomarenko J.; Lauberte L.; Jurkjane V.; Pals M.; Akishin Y.; Lauberts M.; Jashina L.; Bikovens O.; Telysheva G.
    Advantages of MW-assisted water extraction, combined with steam explosion, of black alder bark in terms of isolating valuable compounds and energy efficiency

    Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 181, 114832, doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114832

  • Arshanitsa A.; Jashina L.; Pals M.; Ponomarenko J.; Akishin Y.; Zake M.
    Characteristics of the Main-and Side-Stream Products of Microwave Assisted Torrefaction of Lignocellulosic Biomass of Different Origination

    Energies, 2022, 15(5), 1857, doi: 10.3390/en15051857

  • Arshanitsa A.; Jashina L.; Pals M.; Valdmanis R.; Zake M.
    Effect of Microwave Pre-Treatment of Biomass on the Thermal Oxidative Conversion of Biomass Blends Containing Pre-Treated and Raw Biomass of Different Origination in Terms of Processing Rate and Heat Production

    Energies, 2022, 15(19), 7157, doi: 10.3390/en15197157

  • Andersone A.; Arshanitsa A.; Akishin Y.; Semenischev A.; Telysheva G.
    Microwave assisted torrefaction of plant biomass of different origin with a focus on solid products valorisation for energy and beyond

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2021, 86, 109-114, doi: 10.3303/CET2186019

Aleksandrs Aršaņica
Ph. D. Aleksandrs Aršaņica
Leading Researcher
Project Manager
2021.- Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in chemistry. University of Latvia, Faculty of chemistry.
Thesis: ‘’Development of approaches for application of biorefinery lignins as a renewable raw material for the production of polymers compositions suitable for industrial use’’