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Scientific interests and competences

  • Investigation and development (pretreatment, obtaining, testing and evaluating) of self-binding/binderless composite materials by the use of environmentally friendly technologies
  • Development and improvement of thermal insulation materials from renewable and recycled (textiles) lignocellulose (wood, straw, reed) materials
  • Eco-efficient processing of renewable natural materials into sustainable materials using hydrothermal steam explosion treatment

Additional information

  • Member of the Scientific Council of LSIWC since 2014
  • Member of the LBTU Master's Thesis Defense Commission in the study program "Wood Materials and Technologies" since 2016
Ramunas Tupciauskas
Dr. sc. ing. Ramūnas Tupčiauskas
Member of the Scientific Council
Leading Researcher
2013 - Doctor degree in Material Science sector in Wood Materials and Technologies sub-sector for thesis titled "Self-binding boards of steam-exploded wood particles", Latvian University of Agriculture, Forest Faculty