Commercialization of technology of plywood thermal modification
Project goal
Stage 1: to develop a technical economic feasibility study and a commercialization strategy for the development of the technology of plywood thermal modification to TRL6 at LSIWC, and commercialization of the technology.
Stage 2: to commercialize the technology of the plywood thermal modification.
Main activities of the project:
Stage 1:
- Technical economic feasibility study and development of the commercialization strategy.
Stage 2:
- Development of the technology to reduce/eliminate the identified challenges and improve the product’s characteristics for market needs.
- Development of an experimental demonstration prototype and its testing for use in conditions close to the real environment.
- Contacts with industry representatives for demonstrating the technology and getting feedback.
- Adaptation of the prototype to market requirements.
- Strengthening of property rights and sale of a licence.
Duration of the stage 1 of the project – 6 months. Total cost – 27 778 EUR.
Identification number of the project application: KC-PI-2020/41. Contract with LIAA: KC-L-2017/7.
Call, activity: Operational Programme "Growth and Employment", Specific support objective 1.2.1. "To increase the private sector investment in R&D", Activity "Support for the development of the technology transfer system", round 3, stage 1.