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Effects of different types of artificial lighting on photodegradation processes in wood

Project summary

The aim of the project is to gain detailed knowledge of the properties of artificial lighting with different spectral composition on the wood surface.

Different irradiance changes the colour of the wood, and these changes depend significantly on both the species of wood and the type of irradiance. The interaction between UV radiation and wood has been mostly studied, but there is a lack of information on the effects of different types of artificial lighting on wood. The knowledge gained in the project will allow to understand the expected visual changes of wooden objects and interior elements depending on the type of wood and artificial lighting used and to target the most appropriate solutions for the use of wood in interiors. Intensive irradiation of different wood species under controlled conditions with commonly used artificial light sources will be carried out, recording surface changes over time, and the results will be used to develop models for predicting the colour changes of wood surfaces depending on lighting.

Call, activity: Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes Fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projektu 2020. gada konkurss (LZP FLPP 2020/2)

Project implementation

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Project status:
Execution time:
01.12.2020 - 31.12.2021
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