Project summary
The objective of the present WOODMIMIC project is to utilize forest and woody residues biomass side streams to develop novel renewable 100% bio-based polymeric composite materials that mimic wood properties. The developed bio-composites processed by the use of environmentally friendly bio-polymers will have the potential to replace present oil-based raw components (polyolefins), thus efficiently contributing to the burgeoning a bio circular economy. The present wood mimic bio-composites manufacturing concept will be validated and tested according to service performance, stability, degradation, thermal and mechanical properties for the prototypes of wood based industry and plastic product sector. A consortium of Riga Technical University and Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry with a key knowledge and competences covering different aspects of chemical engineering of nanocellulose, wood polymer composites processing, material prototype evaluation and validation in environment reaching a TRL4 is established in the present project.
More information in project homepage and in Facebook page
Place of project implementation: Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Dzērbenes street 27, Rīga, LV-1006
Total duration of the project: 36 months
Uzsaukums, aktivitāte: LZP FLPP 2018/1
Project partners
- Coordinator: Riga Technical University, project leader: Dr. Sergejs Gaidukovs
- Partner - Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Cellulose laboratory