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Influence of the spatial distribution of anisometric nanoscale filler particles on the physical and mechanical properties of low-density rigid polyurethane foams

Project summary

The aim of the project is to experimentally and theoretically investigate the spatial distribution of anisometric filler nanoparticles (nanoscale Cloisite-30B) during foaming in relation to the stretching of low-density closed-cell rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam structural elements and its effect on the physical and mechanical properties of PUR foams in order to gain new knowledge on these processes.

Petrochemical, rapeseed oil polyols and NEOpolyol-380 (made from recycled PET pellets) PUR foams were produced by moulding in a mould with different gauges and cross-sections. The properties of unfilled and Cloisite-30B filled PUR foams were investigated experimentally (compression and tensile) and theoretically. Mathematical modelling, numerical calculations and comparison of results with experimental data contributed to the understanding of the effect of foaming on the localisation and orientation of nanofiller particles in the foam structural elements.

Developed a mathematical model for the restitution of the actual lengths of foam structural element bars from the analysis of projection lengths in light microscopy images.

The project research is important in thermal insulation, construction and other applications.

Total funding: EUR 100 389.

Call, activity: Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes Fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projektu 2020. gada konkurss "Zinātnisko institūciju zinātnes izcilības un snieguma finansējuma nodrošinājums pētniecības specializācijas, izcilības un ietekmes stiprināšanai - vienotas akadēmiskās un zinātniskās karjeras sistēmas reformas ieviešanai un zinātnes un inovācijas lomas palielināšanai" (LZP FLPP 2020/2)

Project partners

Leading partner: Latvijas Universitāte;

Cooperation partner: Latvijas Valsts Koksnes ķīmijas institūts (LVKĶI)

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Project status:
Execution time:
01.12.2020 - 31.12.2021
Project type:
Project number:
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