Polymer laboratory

Staff Members

Engineer, Project Manager
Anda Fridrihsone's picture
Leading Researcher
Aiga Ivdre's picture
Vladimirs Jakušins's picture
Leading Researcher
Miķelis Kirpļuks's picture
Leading Researcher


Status Title Project number Project lead
Completed Dalība Apvārsnis 2020 projektos Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta zinātniskās kapacitātes un atpazīstamības sekmēšanai 2015/0012/ 2DP/ Bruno Andersons
Completed Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta ekselences attīstība 2015/0021/2DP/ Uģis Cābulis
Completed Ar dabīgiem materiāliem pildītu cieto poliizocianurāta bioputuplastu izstrāde 2010/0290/2DP/
Completed “Competence Centre of Electrical and Optical Equipment Production Sector of Latvia”, Research activity No. 2.8. “Thermal conductivity testing system for cryogenic insulation” Uģis Cābulis
Active Elimination of Rigid PU Foam Thermal Insulation Shortcomings by Determining and Adjusting the Factors Influencing Gas Permeability of Polymer Matrix (PURGE) lzp-2019/1-0354
Active Commercialization of the synthesis of rapeseed oil and recycled polyethylene terephthalate polyols (ROPET) KC-PI-2020/49 (Contract with LIAA Nr. KC-L-2017/7) Uģis Cābulis
Active Commercialization of the technology of the synthesis of autocatalytic tall oil fatty acid polyols (ACTOPOL) KC-PI-2020/51 (Contract with LIAA Nr. KC-L-2017/7) Miķelis Kirpļuks
Active High bio-based content thermoset polymer foam development from plant origin oils (Bio-Mer) lzp-2020/1-0385 Miķelis Kirpļuks
Active Birch bark as a valuable renewable raw material for producing formaldehyde-free particle boards and suberinic acids polyols for the development of polyurethanes Jānis Rižikovs
Completed Eiropas Zinātnieku nakts Latvijā 2020
