Completed |
Dalība Apvārsnis 2020 projektos Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta zinātniskās kapacitātes un atpazīstamības sekmēšanai |
2015/0012/ 2DP/ |
Bruno Andersons |
Completed |
Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta ekselences attīstība |
2015/0021/2DP/ |
Uģis Cābulis |
Completed |
Ar dabīgiem materiāliem pildītu cieto poliizocianurāta bioputuplastu izstrāde |
2010/0290/2DP/ |
Completed |
“Competence Centre of Electrical and Optical Equipment Production Sector of Latvia”, Research activity No. 2.8. “Thermal conductivity testing system for cryogenic insulation” | |
Uģis Cābulis |
Active |
Elimination of Rigid PU Foam Thermal Insulation Shortcomings by Determining and Adjusting the Factors Influencing Gas Permeability of Polymer Matrix (PURGE) |
lzp-2019/1-0354 |
Active |
Commercialization of the synthesis of rapeseed oil and recycled polyethylene terephthalate polyols (ROPET) |
KC-PI-2020/49 (Contract with LIAA Nr. KC-L-2017/7) |
Uģis Cābulis |
Active |
Commercialization of the technology of the synthesis of autocatalytic tall oil fatty acid polyols (ACTOPOL) |
KC-PI-2020/51 (Contract with LIAA Nr. KC-L-2017/7) |
Miķelis Kirpļuks |
Active |
High bio-based content thermoset polymer foam development from plant origin oils (Bio-Mer) |
lzp-2020/1-0385 |
Miķelis Kirpļuks |
Active |
Birch bark as a valuable renewable raw material for producing formaldehyde-free particle boards and suberinic acids polyols for the development of polyurethanes | |
Jānis Rižikovs |
Completed |
Eiropas Zinātnieku nakts Latvijā 2020 | |