2013 - Master of Science degree in chemistry, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry.
Scientific interests and competence
Analytical chemistry of biomass and its components, especially lignin. Chemical modification biomass as a renewable resource for polyurethane materials.
The most important projects
ERAF project "European Researchers Night in Latvia 2020". project number (2020-2021)
M-ERANET projekts "Development of biobased cryogenic insulation modified with nanocrystalline cellulose (Bio4Cryo)", project number (2018-2021)
Horizon 2020 project “European Researchers Night in Latvia (NIGHTLV-2018-2019)”, Grant Agreement Number 819129 (2018-2019).
Horizon 2020 project US4 GREENCHEM "Efficient pre-treatment of lignocellulosic feedstock to advance bio-based chemicals and biomaterials", Grant Agreement Number 669055. (2016-2019).
7th EU FP project BIOCORE “Biocommodity refinery”, Contract No 241566 (2010-2014).
More information
2015 - Research assistant, Aveiro Institute of Material, University Of Aveiro, Portugal.
The most important publications
Vevere L., Fridrihsone A., Kirpluks M., Cabulis U. (2020) A review of wood biomass-based fatty acids and rosin acids use in polymeric materials. Polymers 12(11), pp. 1-17, doi:10.3390/polym12112706
Lauberte L., Telysheva G., Cravotto G., Andersone A., Janceva S., Dizbite T., Arshanitsa A., Jurkjane V., Vevere L., Grillo G., Gaudino E. C., Tabasso S. (2021) Lignin-derived antioxidants as value-added products obtained under cavitation treatments for sugar production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 126369
Vevere L., Janceva S., Arshanitsa A., Telysheva G. (2018) Polyols from condensed tannin enriched extracts for rigid polyurethane foam production. Key Engineering materials 762, pp. 197-202.
Janceva S., Dizhbite T., Vevere L., Telysheva G., Dzenis M. (2015) Characterization of bark extract from deciduous trees with emphasis on their antioxidant activity. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 111, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/111/1/012013.
Arshanitsa A., Vevere L., Telysheva G., Dizhbite T., Gosselink R. J. A., Bikovens O., Jablonskis A. (2015) Functionality and physico-chemical characteristics of wheat straw lignin, Biolignin™ derivatives formed in the oxypropylation process. Holzforschung, 69, pp. 785-793.