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Wood with improved durability by a combination of thermal modification and impregnation treatment

Project summary

Aim of the project: to produce a long-life wood material by studying the wood impregnation and hydrothermal modification processes, their interactions and the environmental impact of the product during its life cycle.

Main activities of the project:

  • Characterisation of raw material, including the development of a life cycle dataset for birch and pine growing in Latvia;
  • treatment of reference samples separately by hydrothermal modification at different temperatures and impregnation with different concentrations of a formulation containing copper-azoles;
  • combined treatments, with samples first hydrothermally treated and then impregnated, and vice versa;
  • characterisation of the service life of wood samples by analytical, instrumental and standard test methods; assessment of the optimum product life cycle.

Duration of the project: 36 months. Total funding: 644295.00 EUR.

Place of implementation – Latvijas Valsts Koksnes Ķīmijas Institūts (LVKĶI), Dzērbenes iela 27, Rīga, LV-1006

Call, activity: Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 1.1.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt Latvijas zinātnisko institūciju pētniecisko un inovatīvo kapacitāti un spēju piesaistīt ārējo finansējumu, ieguldot cilvēkresursos un infrastruktūrā" pasākums "Praktiskas ievirzes pētījumi"

Project implementation

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Project status:
Execution time:
01.02.2017 - 31.01.2020
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Project number:
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