LSIWC Christmas Ball 2024
On 19 December 2024, one of the most beautiful events of the year at LSIWC - the annual Christmas Ball - took place.
The event was opened by the Director of the Institute Karīna Orlova, who emphasised that people are the most important resource in knowledge-intensive organisations, so in the first part of the ball, colleagues warmly congratulated the young scientists who received their PhD degrees in 2024 - Daniela Godiņa, Ralfs Pomilovskis, Anna Andersone and Mārtiņš Andžs.
Last year was also full of other achievements and events. Bruno Andersons received the Latvian Academy of Science Arvīds Kalniņš' Award, Daniela Godiņa was a laureate of the "Baltic Award for Women in Science", whereas, Miķelis Kirpļuks was featured in the "Research Latvia 2024" calendar as the face of March. At the end of the year, several LSIWC research groups received recognition at events "Zelta Čiekurs" and "Reģionu Zvaigznes".
Several significant events took place in 2024 - BTechPro2024 international young scientist conference, as well as the local public events "Shadow Day" and "Researchers' Night'', which this year attracted a record number of visitors to the Institute. The Institute has also actively cooperated with educational institutions, for example by hosting 15 classes, who visited the laboratories of the LSIWC and learned about our research, as well as by engaging in the development of scientific research works of secondary school students.
Certificates of Recognition as the most prolific and successful authors of scientific articles of the year were awarded to Miķelis Kirpļuks, Daniela Godiņa, Jānis Rižikovs, Laura Andže, Ralfs Pomilovskis and Anda Fridrihsone. In 2024 the researchers of LSIWC have not only been diligent writers of publications, but also various project proposals (FARP, PostDoc Latvia, ERAF, Horizon Europe and many others).
The Christmas Ball has become a warm and fun tradition of the Institute, for which we are especially grateful to the Student Council of the Institute!
This year, we learned that the total age of the Institute's 109 staff members is 4936 years, 135 more than in 2023. Colleagues exchanged gifts and good wishes, took part in workshops and sang along with Miks Galvanovskis, who awakened the inner choir of the LSIWC staff.
Merry Christmas!