Annual award "Zelta čiekurs 2024"

On 11 December, the winners of the Forest Industry Award "Zelta čiekurs 2024" (Golden Cone) were honoured at a ceremony in the Kokari Hall of the Song Festival Stage. The awards were presented in five categories: 'Lifetime Achievement', 'Innovative Entrepreneurship', 'Scientific Contribution to the Development of the Sector', 'Contribution to the Development of the Sector' and 'Sustainable Management'.
The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry was represented by two groups of researchers who received diplomas and awards in the nomination "For Scientific Contribution to the Development of the Sector":
- Jānis Rižikovs and his team with the development of innovative solutions for the application of suberic acids recovered from birch outer bark wastes, and their use in polymer systems to replace fossil resources.
- Ramūnas Tupčiauskas and is team for the project “Development of thermal insulation materials from resources available from forestry and agriculture”, which has resulted in three different technologies for producing bulk insulation materials from locally available renewable forest and agricultural resources.
The annual award "Zelta čiekurs" is an initiative of the Forest Owners Association, the Latvian Wood Industry Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture, and this year "Zelta čiekurs" were awarded for the 21st time.
The aim of the award "Zelta čiekurs" is to recognise Latvia's best forest workers and thank them for their achievements. The awards showcase Latvia's best foresters, woodworkers, scientists and educators.
The awards ceremony will be broadcast on ReTV on Saturday 14 December at 22.00 with a replay on Sunday 15 December at 12.30 and Saturday 21 December at 11.00.
We congratulate the laureates!
More information about the awarding ceremony is here
Photos: Valdis Kauliņš