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Scientific interests and competences

Surfactants properties and their use, emulsion formation and characterization, wood thermal modification, characterization of wood surface properties by contact angle measurements, artificial and natural weathering of wood, spectrophotometric properties of wood surface related to colour changes, water-based and solvent-based wood coatings.

Additional information

2014, 5-7 March Training school - Production and Characterization of Decorative Laminates, Porto & Viseu, Portugal 

2014, 10-13 February Training school - Numerical Implementation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour, Bordeaux, France

2013, 20-22 May Training school - Chemical and property changes in wood during THM-treatment, Espoo, Finland

2013, 6-8 March Training school - Finishing of the surface of thermally modified wood with UV lacquer products - theory and practice, Poznan, Poland

2012, 3-4 and 10-11 April PhD classes: Wood chemistry, biocomposites and building materials, KTH Building materials, Stockholm, Sweden.

The most important projects

2017-2020 – ERDF project – Wood with improved service properties due to combination of thermal modification and impregnation (No., research assistant. 2016-2018 – FSCC project – Wood based composites with improved properties (No., research assistant. 2014-2017 – SRP project – Forest and earth entrails resources: research and sustainable utilization – new products and technologies (ResProd) (No. 2014.10-4/VPP-6/6), research assistant. 2014-2015 – ERDF project – Plywood from thermally modified veneer with improved durability properties (No. 2014/0018/2DP/, research assistant. 2012-2015 – FSCC project – Wood composite materials with improved properties (No. 4-06/32-P4), research assistant.

The most important publications

Andersons, B., Andersone, I., Zudrags, K., Sansonetti, E. Impregnated and covered birch plywood performance during external exposure. Wood Material Science and Engineering 2018, 13(1), 21-27 (doi: 10.1080/17480272.2016.1231715).  Grinins, J., Andersons, B., Irbe, I., Andersone, I., Meija-Feldmane, A., Janberga, A., Pavlovics, G., Sansonetti, E. Thermo-hydro treated (THT) birch veneers for plywood production with improved properties. Holzforschung, 2016, 70(8), 739-746 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2015-0155). Biziks, V., Andersons, B., Sansonetti, E., Andersone, I., Militz, H., Grinins, J. One stage thermo-hydro treatment (THT) of hardwoods: An analysis of form stability after five soaking-drying cycles. Holzforschung, 2015, 69(5), 563-571 (doi: 10.1515/hf-2014-0083). Sansonetti, E., Andersons, B., Biziks, V., Grinins, J., Chirkova, J. Investigation of surface properties of hydrothermally modified soft deciduous wood. International Wood Products Journal, 2013, 4(2), 122-127 (doi: 10.1179/2042645312Y.0000000028).

Errj Sansonetti
Ph. D. Errj Sansonetti
2008 – Master degree in organic chemistry (Mg.chem.), University of Perugia, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry.