Project summary
The project's aim is to explore the production and application possibilities of a new microbiological product containing Bacillus subtilis MSCL 1441 bacteria, primarily for use in organic-profile horticulture and crop farming. It is anticipated that by developing methods for producing the microbiological product under farm conditions, agricultural yield will be increased, and production costs associated with alternative fertilizers and plant protection products will be reduced. The product's effectiveness will be evaluated for enhancing potato yield.
Eight activities are planned to achieve the project’s goal. In the initial phase, exploratory and experimental work will begin on the use of potato starch wastewater for the production of microbiological preparations (Activity 1). A field study plan for the 2025 season will be prepared (Activity 2). Work on the first activity is scheduled to continue until mid-2026. Starting in early 2025 and continuing until the end of the project (December 2026), the technology for producing the B. subtilis preparation in a 600-1000 L HDPE polymer material bioreactor prototype, as well as the new service: provision of a consultancy and technical service for producing the microbiological preparation under farm conditions, and a techno-economic feasibility study, will be implemented (Activity 3). Under Activity 4, the Bacillus subtilis MSCL 1441 microbiological preparation will be produced for field trials planned for the 2025 and 2026 seasons. In the 2025 season, the preparation will primarily be produced using a 100 L stainless steel bioreactor; simultaneously, work will be done on producing a microbiological preparation of appropriate quality in the developing 600-1000 L HDPE polymer material bioreactor prototype (Activity 5). Under Activities 6 and 8, in 2025 and 2026 respectively, the effectiveness of the microbiological preparation will be evaluated. Activity 7 will demonstrate the production of the Bacillus subtilis MSCL 1441 microbiological preparation in the 600-1000 L HDPE polymer material bioreactor prototype under farm conditions at SIA Aloja Agro.
Total funding of the project: 269 997.94 EUR (including ERDF support 242 997 EUR)
Project implementation period: 27 moths
Call: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023–2027 Intervention (Measure) LA 16 – "Support for the Implementation of European Innovation Partnership Operational Group Projects".
Activity: "EIP Operational Group Project at the Sectoral Level."
Project partners
- Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (Coordinator)
- Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
- Aloja Agro Ltd.