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Implementation of the full life cycle for the innovative use of forest resources in the bio-economy

Project summary

Forests are an important source of resources for the construction industry, a number of manufacturing sectors, energy and other sectors. It is important that the Latvian forest industry produces more and more products with a higher added value, which has also been facilitated by the development of innovations and technologies. However, despite the rapid growth, there is still an identifiable untapped potential in improving the efficiency of forest resource use, incl. moving towards respecting the full cycle of raw materials.

In the Latvian forest sector, a large part of felling residues (needles, bark, leaves, etc.) is not used or the efficiency of their use is low. This is mainly explained by the fact that currently no full-fledged solutions (technologies) are offered that would allow entrepreneurs to get the maximum economic benefit from the use of these raw materials.

The aim of the project is to develop and offer to industry companies innovative technological solutions for the recovery of forest processing by-products, further processing and increasing the added value of forest resources by developing (a) extraction techniques of valuable biologically active raw materials (e.g. chlorophyll, terpenoids, polyprenols), (b) pellet fuel material, (c) building insulation materials and (d) soil enhancers in combination with sapropel.

The technologies developed as a result of the project will be tested in partner laboratories with the aim of verifying the efficiency of the use of forest processing by-products, as well as the economic rationale.

Call, activity: Eiropas Lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai Latvijas lauku attīstības programmas 2014.-2020.gadam pasākuma „Sadarbība” 16.1.apakšpasākums “Atbalsts Eiropas Inovāciju partnerības lauksaimniecības ražīgumam un ilgtspējai lauksaimniecības ražīguma un ilgtspējas darba grupu projekta īstenošanai”

Project partners

Project status:
Execution time:
01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025
Project number:
Project manager: