Transition to greener analytical chemistry for the analysis of biorefinery products with liquid chromatography (GreenerLC)
Project description
The topic of the GreenerLC project is related to two excellences of LSIWC - biorefining and green chemistry, and the project will have a positive impact on various structural units of the institute.
Green analytical chemistry is a subfield of green chemistry, and the development of more environmentally friendly analytical methods is in line with the goals of sustainable development. It is important to respect the principle of doing no harm to people and nature at all levels of research. The goal of the GreenerLC project is to develop and improve liquid chromatography methods with the least possible consumption of harmful solvents. Liquid chromatography methods are intended to be used for the analysis of biorefining products.

Project status:
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Project type:
LSIWC Bioeconomy grants
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