Master of Science degree in chemistry, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry.
Scientific interests and competence
Lignin-based surface active substances. Modified lignins as emulsion stabilizers and detergents.
The most important projects
2020 - LS IWC Bio-economic grant - New lignin-chitosan nano- and microparticles functional additives effect of recycled polypropylene / polylactic acid composite material with lignocellulosic filler properties (LignoHitBioKM). Participant.
2019 - LS IWC Bio-economic grant - Waste biomass from wood processing wastewater as a potential for application in environmentally friendly composites (LigPolimerKM). Participant.
2017-2018 - LS IWC Bio-economic grant: Waste biomass from wood processing wastewater as a potential for application in environmentally friendly composites (AtkritBiomasKM). Participant.
2014-2017 - National Research Programme, Forest and earth entrails resources: research and sustainable utilization – new products and technologies VPP-3 (ResProd) (2014.10-4/VPP-6/6). Participant.
2011-2015 - European Regional Development Fundproject - Investigations of possibilities of woodworking by-products utilization, ForestCompetenceCenter (LIAA No.L-KC-11-0004) (KC/; Participant.
2010-2013 - National Research Programme - Sustainable Use of Local Resources (Entrails of the Earth, Forest, Food and Transport) – New Products and Technologies (NatRes) (Nr. 2010.10-4/VPP-5). Participant.
More information
Shulga G., Neiberte B., Verovkins A., Vitolina S., Jaunslavietis J., Livcha S., Betkers T. (2019). Aminated wood sanding dust as filler for recycled polypropylene-based composite Cellulose Chemistry and Technology. 53(9), 945-953.
Livcha S., Shulga G., Zhilinska E., Neiberte B., Verovkins A., Vitolina S., Viksna A. (2017). Lignin from Hydrolyzed Wood By-Product as an Eco-Friendly Emulsion Stabilizer. 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017, Article number enviro.2017.033.
Shulga G., Neiberte B., Matvejs J., Uzulis S., Verovkins A., Vitolina S., Jaunslavietis J., Brovkina J., Livcha S. (2017). Tailored functionalization of waste hardwood lignocellulose for making recycled polymer-based composites. In: Papers of the 25th European Biomass Conference: Setting the course for a biobased economy. Ed. L. Ek, H. Ehrnrooth, N. Scarlet, A. Grassi and P.Helm. Published by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies. 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.1329-1334. ISSN 2282-58191.
Jaunslavietis J., Shulga G., Ozolins J., Neiberte B., Verovkins A., Vitolina S., Livcha S. (2017). Effect of the acidic treatment of domestic wood residue on biocomposite wettability and moisture sorption properties. Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi - Environment, Technology, Resources 1, 129-133.
Livcha S., Verovkins A., Shulga G., Neiberte B., Vitolina S. (2012). Characteristics and properties of soda lignin obtained from aspen wood by-product. Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 4, 421-427, ISSN 0868-8249.