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Scientific interests and competences

Research in the field of lignin colloidal and analytical chemistry, surface active properties of lignin, wetting angles of composite materials.

The most important publications

  • Shulga G.; Neiberte B.; Jaunslavietis J.; Verovkins A.; Vitolina S.; Shakels V.; Livcha S.
    Lignin-containing Adhesion Enhancer for Wood-plastic Composites

    BioResources, 2021, 16(2), 2804-2823, doi: 10.15376/biores.16.2.2804-2823

  • Shulga G.; Livcha S.; Neiberte B.; Verovkins A.; Vitolina S.; Zhilinska E.
    The effect of pH on the ability of different lignins to stabilize the oil-in-water emulsion

    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 500(1), 12011, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/500/1/012011

  • Livcha S.; Shulga G.; Zhilinska E.; Neiberte B.; Verovkins A.; Vitolina S.; Viksna A.
    Lignin from hydrolyzed wood by-product as an eco-friendly emulsion stabilizer

    10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017, 2017, doi: 10.3846/enviro.2017.033

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Mg. chem. Sandra Livča
Scientific Assistant
2013. - Master of Science in Chemistry, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry