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Scientific interests and competences

  • Wood composite materials, using different polymers and resins
  • Chitosan application in food and for obtaining of cellulose composites

The most important publications

  • Andze L.; Skute M.; Zoldners J.; Andzs M.; Sirmulis G.; Irbe I.; Milbreta U.; Dabolina I.; Filipova I.
    Enhancing Paper Packaging’s Wet Strength Using the Synergy between Chitosan and Nanofibrillated Cellulose Additives

    Polymers, 2024, 16(2), 227, doi: 10.3390/polym16020227

  • Filipova I.; Andze L.; Skute M.; Zoldners J.; Irbe I.; Dabolina I.
    Improving Recycled Paper Materials through the Incorporation of Hemp, Wood Virgin Cellulose Fibers, and Nanofibers

    Fibers, 2023, 11(12), 101, doi: 10.3390/fib11120101

  • Fridrihsone V.; Zoldners J.; Skute M.; Andze L.; Filipova I.
    Cellulose Modification with Maleic Anhydride

    Materials Science Forum, 2022, 1071, 197-203, doi: 10.4028/p-g7t849

  • Laka M.; Skute M.; Filipova I.; Fridrihsone V.; Grinfelds U.; Zoldners J.; Spade M.; Sivacovs I.
    Micro- And nanoparticles from hemp shives and hemp cellulose in papermaking

    Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 2020, 54(9-10), 1031-1036, doi: 10.35812/CELLULOSECHEMTECHNOL.2020.54.100

  • Zoldners J.; Kiseleva T.
    Modification of hemicelluloses with polycarboxylic acids

    Holzforschung, 2013, 67(5), 567-571, doi: 10.1515/hf-2012-0183

Juris Zoldners
Dr. chem. Juris Zoldners
1958. - Doctoral degree in chemistry (Dr. chem.), University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry