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Scientific interests and competences

  • Analysis of lignocellulosic biomass, including technical lignins
  • Development of bio-based products and materials, including functionalization of biopolymers by introducing plant polyphenols into them as antioxidants and antimicrobial agents, research into biodegradation of materials

Additional information

In 2016, the annual award of the Ministry of Agriculture "Zelta Ciekurs" for the forestry sector "for scientific contribution to the development of the industry", member of the laureate team (G. Telisheva, T. Dižbite, J. Ponomarenko, M. Lauberts, L. Lauberte, S. Yantseva, A . Aršanica).

The most important publications

  • Arshanitsa A.; Ponomarenko J.; Pals M.; Jashina L.
    Controlling the reactivity of hydrophilic bark extractives as biopolyols in urethane-formation reactions using various catalysts

    Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 204, 117385, doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117385

  • Lauberte L.; Ponomarenko J.; Arshanitsa A.
    Screening method for chromatographic analysis of diarylheptanoids in alder bark extracts

    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2022, 214, 114727, doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2022.114727

  • Arshanitsa A.; Ponomarenko J.; Lauberts M.; Jurkjane V.; Jashina L.; Semenischev A.; Akishin J.; Telysheva G.
    Composition of extracts isolated from black alder bark by microwave assisted water extraction

    Research for Rural Development, 2020, 35, 87-94, doi: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.013

  • Ponomarenko J.; Dizhbite T.; Lauberts M.; Volperts A.; Dobele G.; Telysheva G.
    Analytical pyrolysis - A tool for revealing of lignin structure-antioxidant activity relationship

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 113, 3436, 360-369, doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2015.02.027

Jevgenija Ponomarenko
Dr. chem., Jevgenija Ponomarenko
2014 - Scientific degree of Doctor of Chemistry in analytical chemistry (Dr. chem.) for the doctoral thesis "Study of the structure and antioxidative activity of large and small molecular lignin-related plant polyphenols, characterization of their interrelationships", University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry.