We offer consultation about:
- Damage to wood materials (degradation signs, remediation/control methods and means)
- Various options for processing wood and other green biomass and their processing by-products
- The possibilities of obtaining natural biocomposites
- The possibilities of using birch extracts in cosmetics, nutritional supplements and medicine
- The efficiency of lignocellulosic fibers and commercial lignin functionalization methods for obtaining lignocellulosic-polymer composites by extrusion
We provide expertise in:
- Identification and characterization of paper, cellulose fibers
- Characterization and application of commercial lignins
- Pelleting of lignocellulosic biomass
- The evaluation of the surface activity of lignin products
- Solutions to challenges in polymer curing reactions
- Identification of rot fungi (including dry rot Serpula lacrymans) and mold/ bluestain fungi in construction wood - public buildings and cultural heritage.