Technology for the production of biofuels with improved characteristics for consumers, based on microwave treatment of lignocellulosic biomass
Project summary
The project aims at the development and validation of a technology based on microwave treatment of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels with improved properties, enabling the production and commercialisation potential of high quality torefied biofuel pellets for end-users.
Main activities of the project:
- Development of a feasibility study
- Commercialisation strategy development
Total eligible costs: 27 777,78 euro. ERDF maximum aid funding for feasibility studies and the development of a commercialisation strategy up to 25 000,00 euro.
Call, activity: Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 1.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt privātā sektora investīcijas P&A" pasākums "Atbalsts tehnoloģiju pārneses sistēmas pilnveidošanai" 3.kārtas 1.posms
Project status:
Execution time:
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Project number:
KC-PI-2020/39 (Līgums ar LIAA Nr. KC-L-2017/7)