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Development of a new approach for the simultaneous production of bioethanol, furfural and other valuable residue-free products from local agricultural residues

Project summary

The project aims to develop a biotechnological basis for the production of bioethanol, furfural and other valuable products from rapeseed straw.
The project will develop a residue-free technology for the production of bioethanol, furfural and other valuable products from rapeseed straw. The industrial research (TRL4) to be carried out under the project will include:
1) Production of furfural, lipids and ethanol from hemicellulosic C5-sugars;
2) Production of bioethanol from C6-sugars of hemicellulose and application of lignocellulosic and ethanol yeast residues;
3) Use of lignin to improve cultivation of medicinal mushrooms and synthesis of laccase-containing enzyme complex;
4) Residue-free technology for the production of bioethanol, furfural and other valuable products from rapeseed straw;
5) Ensuring public access to research results.

Project length - 36 months. Total eligible costs 647 520,70 EUR, incl. ERDF cofunding– 550 392,60 EUR EUR.

Call, activity: Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 1.1.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt Latvijas zinātnisko institūciju pētniecisko un inovatīvo kapacitāti un spēju piesaistīt ārējo finansējumu, ieguldot cilvēkresursos un infrastruktūrā" pasākums "Praktiskas ievirzes pētījumi"

Projekta implementation

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Project status:
Execution time:
03.03.2017 - 02.03.2020
Project type:
Project number: