Improving the properties of birch plywood by impregnation with polymer resin solutions
Project summary
The scientific objective of the research application is to carry out interdisciplinary non-economic industrial research that will bring together the fields of chemical engineering and materials science and promote knowledge transfer by developing a new birch plywood product with improved dimensional stability, biodegradation resistance and UV/sunlight stability by impregnation with aqueous solutions of phenol-formaldehyde resins.
Expected results: 3 scientific publications, 1 technological instruction, 2 laboratory prototypes.
Scientific consultants: Jānis Rižikovs and Dr.biol. Ilze Irbe
Project length - 36 months
Total costs of the project EUR 133 805,88, incl ERDF co-funding 85% – 113 734,99 EUR.
Call, activity: Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 1.1.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt Latvijas zinātnisko institūciju pētniecisko un inovatīvo kapacitāti un spēju piesaistīt ārējo finansējumu, ieguldot cilvēkresursos un infrastruktūrā" pasākums "Pēcdoktorantūras atbalsts"
Project partners
- Leading partner - Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūts
- Cooperation partner - Georg-August University Göttingen, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Department of Wood Biology and Wood Products
Project implementation