Project summary
The overall objective of the ARMS project is to integrate comprehensive materials and processes, including graphene-rich bio-based carbon materials and graphene-decorated carbon fibers, and to develop scalable and cost-effective atomic layer deposition (ALD) manufacturing technology to fabricate totally eco-friendly supercapacitors with energy density reaching > 50 Wh/kg that is comparable to batteries without sacrificing the power density, cycle life or eco-friendliness, and open up opportunities to establish a new value chain for supercapacitor manufacturing with European SMEs as key players. The consortium will achieve this goal by a combination of factors, working in a coordinated fashion: process modification to enable production of high-graphene-content porous carbon for printed flexible energy storage, conformal graphene coating onto carbon fibres for structural supercapacitors, decoration of both types of electrodes with ultra-thin conformal ALD coating of MnO2 and Fe2O3 for increased stability and voltage window (to be scaled up to roll-to-roll by Beneq), and development of novel, environmentally-friendly electrolytes. The energy storage devices enabled by this work will be integrated into two use-case demonstrators to show the viability of the concept: a wireless sensor device powered a printed flexible supercapacitor, and a drone powered by structural supercapacitors which are simultaneously structural parts of the drone.
Total funding of the project: 4498901,25 EUR
Project implementation period: 48 months
Activity: Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Project partners
- coordinator - Tampere University (FI)
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
- InnoCell ApS (DK)
- Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (LV)
- Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LV)
- University of Southern Denmark (DK)
- AIMEN Technology Centre (ESP)
- Beneq Oy (FI)
- Chalmers University of Technology (SE)
- Lynxdrone (FR)