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Yearbook of Latvian Academy of Sciences - studies on wood protection carried out at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

Eksperimentālo paraugu novecošanas novērtējums āra apstākļos.

Information about the research about wood protection has been included in “THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES YEARBOOK 2022” . The article gives an overview of the history of the Wood Biodegradation and Protection Laboratory at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, as well as the current studies and implemented projects, available research infrastructure, cooperation with the industry and contribution to the preservation of historical sites.

Publikācija (angliski): B. Andersons. Research on wood protection problems in Latvia. - The Latvian Academy of Sciences Yearbook 2022 - Riga, Zinatne, 2022, pp. 77-83.