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Staff of LSIWC attend a lecture about personal data protection

Komisks slaids no lekcijas par datu aizsardzību, kurā attēlots joks par bērnu, kas jautā tēvam, vai Ziemassvētku vecītis par viņa uzvedību uzzinājis no sociālajiem tīkliem.

On November 12, employees of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry attended a lecture, given by personal data protection specialist Jana Tetere, where the definition of personal data was explained and guidelines for personal data processing were provided. The participants engaged in discussions, shared experiences and asked questions to debate current issues in their work, such as participation in public events and publishing information online.

Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta darbinieki apmeklē lekciju par personas datu aizsardzību