Celebration of the Anniversary of the Republic of Latvia

As 18 November approached, the staff of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry celebrated the 106th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia.
The LSIWC is one of the oldest scientific institutes in Latvia, and we are proud to bear Latvia's name in the name of the institute. Our mission is to produce competitive products from local, renewable resources, with the aim of promoting sustainable innovation using Latvia's green gold - forest resources and other plant biomass.
18 November is a symbol of the strength, unity and perseverance of our people. More than a hundred years ago, our ancestors were able to fulfil their dream of a free and independent country, and today we proudly continue on this path, honouring our history, traditions, culture and working with integrity on new, science-based solutions for Latvia's future.
We wish every person in Latvia the strength and inspiration to continue building a country that is strong in its diversity and unity. May our country grow and develop, and may we all together build a future that will be a source of pride not only for ourselves, but also for future generations!