MSc Vilhelmīne Jurkjāne


1982 - Latvijas Valsts Universitātes bioloģijas fakultāte. Pielīdzināts akadēmiskajam maģistra grādam 02.05. 2012.

Scientific interests and competence

Koksnes un tās komponentu termiskās degradācijas produktu analītiskā pirolīze (Py-GC/MS/FID).

The most important projects

ERAF projekts Nr. “Inovatīvas levoglikozenona ieguves tehnoloģijas no lignocelulozes izstrāde” Horizon 2020 projekts; US4GREENCHEM Nr. 669055 ”Kombinētā uļtraskaņas un enzimatiskā lignocelulozes izejvielu apstrāde biotehnoloģjai kas balstās uz cukuru izmantošanu” (2016-2019)

The most important publications

Zhurinsh, A., Dobele, G., Jurkjane, V. Meile, K., Volperts, A., Plavniece,A. Impact of hot water pretreatment temperature on the pyrolysis birch wood. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 2017, 124, 515-522 Svärd, A., Sevastyanova, O., Dobele, G., Jurkjane, V., Brännvall, E. COST Action FP1105: effect of raw materials and pulping conditions on the characteristics of dissolved kraft lignins. Holzforschung, 2016, 70(12), 1105- 1114 J. Ponomorenko, M.Lauberts, T.Dizhbite, L.Lauberte, V.Jurkjane, G.Telysheva Antioxidant activity of various lignins and lignin related phenylpropanoid units with high and low molecular weight. Holzforshung, 2015, 69, 795-805 A.Pazhe, J.Zandersons, J.Rizhikovs, G.Dobele, V.Jurkjane, B.Spince  A.Tardenaka. Apparatus and selective Solvent for Extraction of Triterpenes from Silver Birch(Betula pendula Rotch).Outer Bark. Baltic Foresty 2014, 20(1) 88-97 J.Zandersons, A.Zhurinsh, G.Dobele, V.Jurkjane, J.Rizhikovs, B.Spince, A.Pazhe. Feasibility of broadening the feedstock choice for levoglucozenone production by acid pre-treatment of wood and catalytic pyrolysis of the obtained lignocellulose. J. Anal. Appl.Pyrolysis, 2013, 103, 222-226.