Object of commercialization: The right of use an efficient and ecological technology for furfural and glucose solution production

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The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry announce an auction for the rights to use technology developed in the institute that allows an efficient and ecological way to produce both furfural and glucose-containing solution from wood for further use.


In the framework of the European Regional Development Fund Programme “Growth and employment” 1.2.1 of the specific support objective “To increase investments of the private sector in R&D” of the operational programme “Support for Improvement of the Technology Transfer System”, the scientists of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry during the commercialisation project No. KC-PI-2020/55 have developed the know-how for the technology that allows an efficient and ecological way to produce both furfural and glucose-containing solution for further use from deciduous woodchips and are currently offering to purchase a license for the use of this technology.

Object of commercialization: The right to use an efficient and ecological technology for furfural and glucose solution production, resulting from the know-how of “Effective and ecological glucose solution extraction technology”.

The technology was developed in the Biorefinery laboratory of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry.

Information for interested parties: Any interested party is invited to participate in the auction by making an offer for the purchase of technology. The winner of the auction will be recognized as the auction participant whose price of the auctioned object will be the highest. Detailed information about the auction object is available below. The auction procedure and the application form will be provided after request.

Description of an efficient and ecological technology for the combined production of furfural and glucose-containing solution for further processing

The proposal for the auction must be submitted in an electronic document form by October 14, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., signed with a secure electronic signature by sending it to the e-mail address kki@kki.lv stating “Offer for auction” in the subject of the e-mail.

The proposal opening time and place: October 14, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. online on Google Meet.

The negotiation procedure for granting the right of use for intellectual property objects at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry is being carried out to ensure the successful commercialization of intellectual property created within the framework of the project, which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations of October 25, 2016 No. 692 Regulation for the Implementation of the Activity “Support for the Improvement of Technology Transfer System” of the Specific Objective 1.2.1 “To increase investments of private sector in R&D” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”.

Answers to questions about the negotiation procedure can be provided by the director of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Karīna Orlova, (tel. +371 67553063; e-mail: kki@kki.lv). Answers to specific questions about the technology can be provided by project manager Prans Brazdausks (e-mail: prans.brazdausks@kki.lv).

Official announcement: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 14.09.2022, Nr. 178, 2022/178.IZ15