Dalība konferencē - Materials Science and Applied Chemistry” (MSAC 2018), October 26, 2018, Riga, Latvia

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LVKĶI zinātnieki starptautiskajā konferencē Materials Science and Applied Chemistry” (MSAC 2018), October 26, 2018, Riga, Latvia piedalījās ar 10 stenda referātiem:

P-2 The Influence of Mechanical and Mechanochemical Activation of Hard Wood Waste on Biocomposite Properties - J. Jaunslavietis, G. Shulga, J. Ozolins, B. Neiberte, A. Verovkins (sadarbībā ar Institute of General Chemical Engineering, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
P-17 Influence of Different Modifications on Wood Bending Strength - A. Antons, I. Andersone, D. Cīrule, A. Verovkins
P-19 Dissolution of Various Cellulosic Materials and Effect of Regenerated Cellulose on Mechanical Properties of Paper - V. Fridrihsone, J. Zoldners, M. Škute, U. Grīnfelds, I. Fiļipova, I. Sivačovs, M. Spāde, M. Laka
P-20 Investigation of Linseed Oil Based Wood Coatings: Effect of Artificial Weathering - E. Sansonetti, D. Cīrule, E. Kūka, I. Andersone, B. Andersons
P-21 Chemical Activated Hydrochar Flakes from Birch Wood - A. Plavniece, A. Zhurinsh, G. Dobele, A. Volperts, J. Locs (sadarbībā ar Institute of General Chemical Engineering, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
P-27 Brown Algae as a Potential Source for High Valueable Product Obtaining - S. Janceva, A. Andersone, L. Lauberte, O. Bikovens, L. Vēvere, G. Teliševa
P-28 High Value Soil Amendments on the Basis of Lignin - A. Andersone, S. Janceva, L. Jašina, N. Zaharova, G. Teliševa
P-29 Desorption of Phenols from Anion Exchange Resins after the Separation of Wood Pyrolysis Products - N. Iljina, K. Meile, A. Zhurinsh
P-33 Water Related Properties of Birch Wood Modified with Phenol-Formaldehyde (PF) Resins - J. Grīniņš, I. Irbe, V. Biziks, J. Rižikovs, H. Militz
P-39 Study of an Appropriate Suberinic Acids Binder for Gluing of Plywood - A. Pāže, J. Rižikovs

Institūta jaunie zinātnieki Andis Antons, Nadežda Iļjina, Errj Sansonetti, Ance Pļavniece, Velta Fridrihsone