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Cellulose Laboratory
Publikācijas indeksētas datu bāzēs Web of Science Core Collection un/vai Scopus, Citas publikācijas zinātniskajos žurnālos, rakstu krājumos un konferenču materiālos, Monogrāfijas/Grāmatas, Zinātniskā komunikācija


WoSCC/Scopus indeksēta publikācija

Rheological properties of microcrystalline chitosan gels

Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2007, 43(3), 259-268, doi: 10.1007/s11029-007-0025-z

Jakobsons E.; Laka M.; Chernyavskaya S.


WoSCC/Scopus indeksēta publikācija

Effect of alkaline modification on viscometric and surface - Active properties of soluble lignin

Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 2006, 40(6), 383-392

Shulga G.; Shakels V.; Aniskevicha O.; Bikova T.; Treimanis A.

Preparation of chitosan powder and investigation of its properties; [Kitosaanpulbri saamine ja selle omaduste uurimine]

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2006, 55(2), 78-84

Laka M.; Chernyavskaya S.


WoSCC/Scopus indeksēta publikācija

Alkali-resistant chromophores in kraft pulp xylan

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 2005, 31(4), 193-196

Bikova T.; Belkova L.; Treimanis A.

Influence of ascorbic acid on the stability of chitosan solutions

Carbohydrate Polymers, 2005, 60(2), 215-218, doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2005.01.013

Zoldners J.; Kiseleva T.; Kaiminsh I.


WoSCC/Scopus indeksēta publikācija

On-line study of lignin behaviour in dilute alkaline solution by the SEC-UV method

Holzforschung, 2004, 58(5), 489-494, doi: 10.1515/HF.2004.074

Bikova T.; Treimanis A.; Rossinska G.; Telysheva G.

UV-absorbance of oxidized xylan and monocarboxyl cellulose in alkaline solutions

Carbohydrate Polymers, 2004, 55(3), 315-322, doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2003.10.005

Bikova T.; Treimanis A.


WoSCC/Scopus indeksēta publikācija

Cellulose-containing fillers for polymer composites

Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2003, 39(2), 183-188, doi: 10.1023/A:1023469614577

Laka M.; Chernyavskaya S.; Maskavs M.

Relationship Between the Alkali Solubility of Hemicelluloses and Lignin from Unbleached Hardwood Kraft Pulp and Pulp Bleachability

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 2003, 29(6), 208-212

Bikova T.; Treimanis A.; Eisimonte M.; Klevinska V.