Dr.sc.ing. Sarmīte Janceva


2017 - iegūts doktora grāds Ķīmijas tehnoloģijā (Dr.sc.ing). Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte.

Zinātniskās intereses un kompetence

Bioloģiski aktīvo savienojumu izdalīšana un augu augšanas veicinātāju iegūšana no dažādām augu biomasām, novērtējot to izmantošanas iespējas Latvijas un Eiropas tirgū.

Nozīmīgākie projekti

ERAF projekts: „Dažādas izcelsmes atjaunojamo kurināmo maisījumu jauna veida granulētu produktu izveidošana ekoloģiski tīru un efektīvu degšanas un siltuma ražošanas procesu nodrošināšanai ar būtiski uzlabotu šo procesu tehnoloģiju” (2010.–2013. g.); Wood WisdomNet-2 research program „Pinobio, Pinosylvins as novel Bioactive Agents for Food Applications” (2011.–2014. g.); H2020 Projekts US4 GREENCHEM Combined ultrasonic and enzyme treatment of lignocellulosic feedstock as substrate for sugar based biotechnological applications, (2015 – 2019).

Nozīmīgākās publikācijas

Janceva S., Papadopoulou E., Kulinsh L., Lauberts M., Dizhbite T.,Telysheva G. Evaluation of grey alder bark tannin as phenol substitute in the synthesis of phenol-formaldehyde resins suitable for plywood. 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, EWLP-2014, Seville, Spain, June 24–27, 2014,  pp. 443–446. Janceva S., Dizhbite T., Vevere L., Telysheva G., Dzenis M. Characterization of bark extract from deciduous trees with emphasis on their antioxidant activity. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 111,  Baltic Polymer Symposium 2015, Sigulda, September  16.–18., 2015, 1–4 pp. Janceva S., Lauberte L., Dizhbite T., Krasilnikova J., Telysheva G., Dzenis M. Protective effects of proanthocyanidins extracts from bark of deciduous trees in lipid systems. Holzforschung, Vol. 71, Issue 7-8, 2017. Janceva S., Lauberts M., Lauberte L., Arsanica A., Dizbite T., Telysheva G. Bark of European deciduous trees as a potential source for production of proanthocyanidins-rich extract.  ISCHP 2017 – International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing (6th Edition), Lahti, Finland, September 25–27, 2017.   6th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing (ISCHP2017), Lahti, Somija, 25-28 septembris, 2017, p. 304-310. Janceva S., Lauberte L., Arshanitsa A., Akishin A., Dizhbite T., Telisheva, G. Optimization of Proanthocyanidins Extraction from Bark of Local Hardwood. Key Engineering Materials, 2017, Vol.762, 163.-170.lpp. ISSN 1662-9795