2021. - PhD, Latvijas Universitāte Ķīmijas fakultāte.
1984. - ķīmijas maģistrs, Latvijas Universitāte Ķīmijas fakultāte.
Zinātniskās intereses un kompetence
The chemistry of lignin. The chemical modification of lignin for its application as a renewable macromonomer in polyurethanes compositions. Polyurethanes chemistry and technology. The processes of plant biomass granulation. The fuel characteristics of plant biomass and methods for their improvment. The processes of plant biomass combustion. TGA, DSC, FTIR spectroscopy of plant biomass, modified lignins and lignin based polymers.
Nozīmīgākie projekti
LZP 1564 Grants „Modificēti lignīni, ka funkcionāli aktīvo multikomponenšu sistēmu pamats (2005-2008)
ES Programos ietvaros NILE „New Improvment for Lignocellulosic Ethanol”. Integrālais Projekts Contract n0 019882 (SES6)(2005-2008)
ES Programos ietvaros BIOCORE „Biocomodity refinery”. Integrālais Projekts Contract n0 241566 (SES7)(2010-2014).
Sadarbības projekts Nr. 2010/0241/2DP/ „Dažādas izcelsmes atjaunojamo kurināmo maisījumu jauna veida granulētu produktu izveidošana ekoloģiski tīru un efektīvu degšanas un siltuma ražošanas procesu nodrošināšanai ar būtiski uzlabotu šo procesu tehnoloģiju’’ (2011-2014).
Nozīmīgākās publikācijas
Huijgen, W.J.J., Telysheva, G., Arshanitsa, A., Gosselink R.J.A., and Wild, P.J. (2014). Characteristics of wheat straw lignins from ethanol-based organosolv treatment. Ind. Crops Products. 59:85-95.
Cabulis, U., and Telysheva. G. (2014). Two approaches for introduction of wheat straw lignin into rigid polyurethane foams. AIP Conference Proceedings ,1593, 388-391.
Arshanitsa, A., Ponomarenko, J., Dizhbite, T., Andersone, A., Gosselink, R.J.A, van der Putten, J., Lauberts, M., and Telysheva, G. (2013). Fractionation of technical lignins as a tool for improvement of their antioxidant properties. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 103:78–85.
Arshanitsa, A., Barmina, I., Telysheva, G., Dizhbite, T., Andersone, A., Zake, M., and Grants, I. (2009). The Composition and Fuel Characteristics of Non-Hydrolyzed Residues from Wheat Straw Ethanol Production. International Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development, 105-111.
Gromova M.F., Sergeeva V.N., and Arshanitsa A.S. (1987). Simple oligoethers based on technological lignins and their use. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis. 12: 53-60.