Project type Horizon 2020Horizon EuropeCBE JUEEA and Norway GrantsEuropean partnershipsERA-NETERDF- PostDoc LatviaERDF- ELFLAJoint Lithuanian-Latvian-Chinese (Taiwanese) Tripartite CooperationLSIWC Bioeconomy grantsLCS FARPM-ERA-NETNextGenerationEUCollaborativeVPP Laboratory Laboratory of Lignin ChemistryBiorefinery LaboratoryPolymer LaboratoryLiquid Chromatography CenterCellulose LaboratoryLaboratory of Wood Degradation and ProtectionLaboratory of Bioengineering Show projects containing the entered words Laboratory of Lignin Chemistry Show 102050 items per page Status Project type Nosaukums Project manager Date start Date end Active LAD ELFLA Developing a biodegradable sprayable mulch incorporating walnut husk extracts enriched in allelochemicals for sustainable weed control in agriculture Dr. chem., Jevgenija Ponomarenko 10/2024 09/2027 Active Horizon Europe Atomic Layer-Coated Graphene Electrodes For Micro-Flexible And Structural Supercapacitors (ARMS) Dr. sc. ing. Aivars Žūriņš 01/2023 03/2027 Active LAD Isolation of fish protein hydrolyzate and its condensation with plant catechol derivatives to develop improved starch/protein based food packaging Dr. chem., Jevgenija Ponomarenko 05/2024 03/2027 Active LCS FARP The development of innovative wheat straw-reinforced composite material based on hybrid polymer matrix with functional bioadditives from lignocellulosic by-products for packaging applications Dr. habil. chem. Galija Šuļga 01/2024 12/2026 Active Horizon 2020 VIOBOND – sustainable binder: Upscaling new lignin-phenol-formaldehyde resin production with wood-based biorefinery lignin Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Rižikovs 09/2021 08/2026 Active VPP Innovation in Forest Management and Value Chain for Latvia's Growth: New Forest Services, Products and Technologies (Forest4LV) Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis 09/2024 12/2025 Active LCS FARP Innovative anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic systems based on proanthocyanidins isolated from lignocellulosic waste from fruit bush agriculture Dr. sc. Ing. Sarmīte Janceva 01/2023 12/2025 Active LAD Use of residual logging biomass for production of environmentally friendly plant protection products and soil additives Dr. sc. Ing. Sarmīte Janceva 07/2023 06/2025 Active LAD Implementation of the full life cycle for the innovative use of forest resources in the bio-economy Ph. D. Anna Andersone 07/2023 06/2025 Active LCS FARP Complex application of products obtained by water extraction of tree bark for the formation of a three-dimensional polyurethane matrix with increased thermo-oxidative stability and availability to microbial mediated degradation Ph. D. Aleksandrs Aršaņica 01/2022 12/2024 Completed Collaborative Forest road dust supression. Stage 2 – technologies approbation. Dr. habil. chem. Galija Šuļga 05/2023 12/2024 Completed EEA and Norway Grants Sustainably produced nanomaterials for energy applications (SuNaMa) Dr. habil. chem., Gaļina Dobele 12/2021 12/2023 Completed Joint Lithuanian-Latvian-Chinese (Taiwanese) Tripartite Cooperation Innovative Catalysis for Sustainable Energy (ICatSE) Dr. habil. chem., Gaļina Dobele 01/2021 12/2023 Completed ERDF- Improvement of wood-based biorefinery by innovative conversion of residues to nanoporous carbon materials (BiReMa) Dr. sc. ing. Aivars Žūriņš 06/2021 11/2023 Completed ERDF- Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūta kapacitātes stiprināšana dalībai starptautiskās sadarbības projektos Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis 06/2018 06/2023 Completed ERDF- PostDoc Latvia Nitrogen and phosphorus-containing biomass based activated carbons for fuel cells and supercapacitors Dr. sc. ing. Aleksandrs Voļperts 01/2021 06/2023 Completed ERDF- Biorefining processing of sea buckthorn vegetative biomass using innovative technologies and comprehensive analytical research to obtain promising products with high added value for the Latvian bioeconomy, including serotonin Dr. sc. Ing. Sarmīte Janceva 01/2020 03/2023 Completed ERDF- Innovative green extraction process, creating a new biorefinery cluster focused on phytochemicals and biomaterials production from underutilized woody biomass 06/2019 05/2022 Completed ERDF- Development of pilot equipment park shed and ventilation system in Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Dr. sc. ing. Uģis Cābulis 10/2017 12/2021 Completed Collaborative Forest road dust supression. Stage 1 – laboratory studies Dr. habil. chem. Galija Šuļga 06/2021 12/2021 Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›