Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry take part into realization of
5 5. Framework Programme (FP5)
4 6. Framework Programme (FP6)
5 7. Framework Programme (FP7)
Since 2007, institute is involved in organization of "Researchers Night" events.
Biocommodity refinery (BIOCORE) (FP7-241566)
Forest Resource Sustainability through Bio-Based-Composite Development (FORBIOPLAST) (FP7-212239)
FP7 Programme PEOPLE: Marie Curie Actions
Bio-based polyurethane composites with natural fillers (BIOPURFIL) (FP7-318996)
FP7 Programme PEOPLE: Researchers Night (from 2007)
Seventh Researchers Night in Latvia (ZinatneLV) (FP7-609909)
The Energy Story (ENERGY) (FP7-316616)
Fascinating Chemistry (CHEMI) (FP7-287506)
Research Fun for Society (Research Fun) (FP7-265825)
Materials for People (Fun2Night) (FP7-228657)
Researchers‘ Night in Latvia (NIGHTLV) (FP7-200253)
The Electric Vehicle revOLUTION enabled by advanced materials highly hybridized into lightweight components for easy integration and dismantling providing a reduced life cycle cost logic (EVOLUTION)
FP7-314744, Call: FP7-2012-GC-MATERIALS, 25 partners, Status: Beneficiary
November 2012 - October 2016
Laboratory of Polymers;
Ugis Cabulis, Dr., Sen.Researcher,, +371-67552581
Hybrid-EVs and Full-EVs on the market are products where the Internal-Combustion-Engine (ICE) is supplemented by an electric-motor (HEV) or replaced by an all-electric power-train (FEV). Both approaches do not address lightweight or modularity inheriting the same disadvantages as conventional ICEV - Electrification of mobility must face a conceptual rEVOLUTION! This project breaks the paradigm of current Body-in-White (BiW) by delegating the whole structural function to a novel BiW archetype made up of a Multifunctional-Rolling-Chassis (MRC) enabled by a new generation of highly-hybridized structural components and complemented by a non-structural upper-body. This MRC will be the common basis for a family of user friendly vehicles differing by changing only the upper-body according to the customer demand. Advanced materials will enable the development of novel super-lightweight hybrid components complying with safety standards and recycling constraints, and enable the design of the innovative MRC for FEV leading to a further weight reduction of 40% over that achieved using the current state of the art in the SuperLIGHT-CAR project. The EVolution goal is to demonstrate the sustainable production of a 600 kg weight FEV by the end of 2015. To this end EVolution addresses the whole vehicle by prototyping, assembling, and disassembling, the most representative components (MRC, crash cross-beam, crash box, suspension sub-frame, side-door, A-pillar, and a multifunctional- hard-top) made from raw polymers and aluminum alloys commonly used in the automotive industry, to ensure compliance with EC Directive 2000/53/EC ‘End-of life vehicle’ which imposes stringent requirements on the disposal and recycling of motor vehicles. Guaranteeing the safety and regulatory compliance, with a weight saving of 50%, each component chosen will prove, mutatis mutandis, the revolutionary potential of the EV solution in all components employed today in current high volume production.
Project info:
Biocommodity refinery (BIOCORE)
FP7-241566, Call: FP7-2009-BIOREFINERY_CP, 26 partners, Status: Beneficiary
March 2010 - February 2014
Laboratory of Lignin Chemistry:
Galina Telysheva, Dr.habil., Sen.Researcher,, +371-67555916;
Laboratory of Polymers;
Ugis Cabulis, Dr., Sen.Researcher,, +371-67552581
BIOCORE will create and demonstrate create a lignocellulosic biorefinery for sustainable processing of agricultural residues (wheat and rice straws), SRC wood (poplar) and hardwood forestry residues, into 2G biofuels, bulk chemicals, polymers, speciality molecules, heat and power. To reach this overall objective, BIOCORE will: 1) Describe how a mixed lignocellulosic feedstock-based biorefinery can be supplied with biomass, taking into account biomass handling, feedstock variability and seasonality. Biomass provisioning scenarios will be described for several different local contexts (Europe and Asia) 2) Adapt and streamline a patented organosolv technology for targeted biorefining of BIOCORE feedstocks and develop all necessary processing steps (including enzymatic hydrolysis and physico-chemical operations) to produce high quality cellulose, polymeric and oligomeric hemicellulose-derivatives, high quality lignins, heat and power from process residues 3) Develop multiple product manufacturing pipelines using a combination of advanced biotechnologies, chemical catalysis and thermochemical processes for the production of building block chemicals and polymers for bulk markets from sugars and lignins 4) Design a complete biorefinery concept that will describe the alternative product manufacturing pathways. This will be achieved by developing integrated flowsheets and process designs that include all of the operational units, supply chain models, and economic factors 5) Demonstrate the performance of the biorefinery through an integrated approach, producing industrial scale pilots for the biorefinery complexes that are closer to the market 6) Assess the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the biorefinery concept considering the entire value chain 7) Ensure efficient technology transfer to the energy sector, chemical and biotech industries, agro and forestry sectors, and the general public and policy makers.
Project portal:
Forest Resource Sustainability through Bio-Based-Composite Development (FORBIOPLAST)
FP7-212239, Call: FP7-KBBE-2007-1, 16 partners, Status: Beneficiary
July 2008 - June 2012
Laboratory of Polymers;
Ugis Cabulis, Dr., Sen.Researcher,, +371-67552581
The forest biomass represents an abundant, renewable, no-food competition and low cost resource that can play an alternative role to petro-resources. In spite of positive experimental results industrial production and marketing of materials derived from renewable resources are rarely achieved because of high processing costs and low properties of final products usually targeted to single use sectors devoted to very low costs polymer. Aims of the present proposal are the differentiate utilizations of forest raw resources or by-products of forest connected industry for the production of eco-compatible foams and composites suitable for many practical applications with particular attention at the packaging, agriculture and automotive sectors. One topic of the research activity will be focused on the use of wood and paper mill by-products (bark, chips, sawdust, and black liquor) as raw materials for the production of polyurethane foams by an innovative sustainable synthetic process with reduced energy consumption. Wood fibres can be used as natural fillers to replace synthetic and glass fibres in composites production. Loading of wood fibres is limited by difficult compatibility with hydrophobic polymers. Research activity will be devoted to the production of composites based on wood fibres with biodegradable polymeric matrices (polylactic acid, polycaprolactone, polyhydroxyalkanoates, materbi, etc) and with polypropylene. A high fibres loading content will be achieved by increasing polymeric matrices toughness. Forest waste valorisation will be achieved by microbiological process. Materials production will be valuated by life cycle assessment and final products will be tested for biodegradation and composting. Composites will be as well evaluated for applications in agriculture, packaging and automotive (textile, panels, interior components). Research activity will be developed in strict cooperation with industries with particular reference to the end users.
Projet info:
Project portal:
The implementation of research potential of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry in the European Research Area (WOOD-NET)
FP7-203459, Call: FP7-REGPOT-2007-1, 1 partner, Status: Coordinator
June 2008 - May 2011
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Bruno Andersons, Dr., Scientific Director, Sen.Researcher,, +371-67552554
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The project’s objective is to improve the research capacities and to reinforce the S&T potential of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC) in its scientific excellence with the aim of unlocking its capacity and make it accessible for ERA; to strengthen LSIWC as a central part, which ensures the smooth integration of researchers from convergence and outermost regions in a field vital for the social-economic development of Europe and Latvia such as Forestry and Forest Products. The project embraces thematic priorities such as the investigation of the structure and biodegradation of wood as a construction material and a cultural historical object to ensure its durability and competitiveness in the changing climate and biodiversity conditions; interdisciplinary theoretical wood studies on the molecular and nano-level, and development of technologies for chemical compounds, production of composite materials and energy from wood, its components and other types of biomass; rational utilization of woodworking and wood processing residues for the development of innovative multifunctional products for agriculture, forestry and environment protection. The project will promote the exchange of know-how and experience, formation of strategic co-operation partnership between the related leading European research centres. It will activate the dissemination of scientific information and joint results, will expand the involvement of young researchers in the scientific environment. The project envisages the acquisition of unique research equipment and upgrading of the existing one, which will extend the research potentialities, strengthen the Institute as an international research centre and make it attractive for the co-operation partners. 51 institutions as provisional cooperation partners from 24 countries will predicted: 41 from 20 ERA countries (between them 14 from 9 new EU countries); 10 from 4 ICPC (Eastern European and Mediterranean) countries.
Project portal:
Bio-based polyurethane composites with natural fillers (BIOPURFIL)
FP7-318996, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES, 3 partners, Status: Beneficiary
February 2013 - January 2016
Laboratory of Polymers;
Ugis Cabulis, Dr., Sen.Researcher,, +371-67552581
The overall aim of this proposal is to create multinational partnership between European and South American research teams in order to exchange knowledge and experience concerning "state of the-art". Such solution will strengthen research cooperation and transfer of knowledge between partners from Poland (Cracow University of Technology), Latvia (Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry), Spain (University of the Basque Country), Argentina (National University of Mar Del Plata) and Brazil (Paraíba Federal University). Participants have different expertise areas to share the experience of preparing of bio-based composites. It allow to develop modern bio-composites, for which there is a growing demand in both continents. Short and longer-term periods of staff exchange between participants allow to more rapid advances in carrying out of investigations, as well as advancing current knowledge in the form of joint-author high citation index papers. The project consists of four stages: synthesis of bio-based polyols, preparing natural fillers, producing bio-polyurethane matrix composites reinforced natural fillers as well as tests and evaluation of final product. Each of partner brings added value to proposed stages and is needed in the implementation of the overall project.)
Project info:
Seventh Researchers Night in Latvia (ZinatneLV)
FP7-609909, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-NIGHT, 11 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
Under Negotiation !!!
September 2013
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The objective of the Project is to raise the awareness of the larger public, especially young people, about science as well as to familiarize them with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as natural sciences, social sciences and humanities on everyday human life; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to raise the interest of young people about research. Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. The theme of the Researcher‘s Night in Latvia is “Unseen Science”. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organized in six towns - Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava, Valmiera and Ventspils. The project will be realized by joint efforts of the several Universities, Latvian Academy of Sciences and research institutes and with participation of museums, Botanical garden and libraries. The Researchers’ Night will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include establishing a European stands, organizing a Café Scientifique; scenic play performed by researchers; public meeting with scietntists; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments and quizzes in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of public on the event and researchers’ profession. The opinion poll results and analysis of Internet comments on the event will allow evaluating the impact Researchers’ Night and collecting ideas for future activities.
Project Portal:
The Energy Story (ENERGY)
FP7-316616, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-NIGHT, 11 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
June 2006 - October 2012
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The objective of the Project is to raise the awareness of the larger public, especially young people, about science as well as to familiarize them with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as chemistry, energetic and material sciences on everyday human life; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to raise the interest of young people about research Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. The theme of the Researcher‘s Night in Latvia is “The Energy Story”. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organized in eight towns - Riga, Salaspils, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava, Cesis, Valmiera and Ventspils. The project will be realized by joint efforts of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, several Universities, and research institutes and with participation of museums and libraries. The Researchers’ Night will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include establishing a European stand, organizing a Café Scientifique; scenic play performed by researchers; public meeting with Marie Curie scholarship holders; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments and quizzes in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of public on the event and researchers’ profession. The opinion poll results and analysis of Internet comments on the event will allow evaluating the impact Researchers’ Night and collecting ideas for future activities.
Project Portal:
Fascinating Chemistry (CHEMI)
FP7-287506, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NIGHT, 11 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
June 2011 - October 2011
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The main objective of the Project is to raise the awareness of the larger public, especially young people, about science as well as to familiarize them with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as chemistry, materialsciences and others on everyday human life; to show researchers as ordinary people; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to attract young people to research careers. Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organised in six towns - Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava, Valmiera and Ventspils. The project will be realised by joint efforts of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 4 Universities, several research institutes and with participation of museums and library. The CHEMI will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include development of a European stands, organisation of a Café Scientifique; scenic play performed by researchers; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments, meetings discussions and quizzes in research institutes and universities.
Project Portal:
Research Fun for Society (Research Fun)
FP7-265825, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT, 10 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
June 2010 - October 2010
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The main objective of the Project is to raise the awareness of the larger public, especially young people, about science as well as to familiarize them with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as biology, chemistry and environmental science on everyday human life; to show researchers as ordinary people; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to attract young people to research careers. Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. The theme of the Research Fun in Latvia is “Life in diversity”. The theme will not be strictly followed. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organised in five towns - Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava and Ventspils. The project will be realised by joint efforts of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 4 Universities, several research institutes and with participation of museums and library. The Research Fun will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include development of a European stand, organisation of a Café Scientifique; scenic play performed by researchers; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments, meetings discussions and quizzes in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of public on the event and researchers’ profession. The opinion poll results and analysis of Internet comments on the event will allow to evaluate the impact of Research Fun and collect ideas for future activities. The event will be documented in video-film for demonstration on TV and recording in DVD for wide distribution.
Project Portal:
FP7-245082, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2009-NIGHT, 8 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
June 2009 - October 2009
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The main objective of the Projectis to raise the awareness of the larger public, especially young people, about science as well as to familiarize them with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as astronomy, chemistry, medical science, and physics on everyday human life; to show researchers as ordinary people; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to attract young people to research careers. Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. The theme of the Researcher‘s Night in Latvia is “Stars in our lives”. The theme will not be strictly followed. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organised in fīve towns - Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Jelgava and Ventspils. The project will be realised by joint efforts of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 4 Universities, and research institutes with participation of museums and library. The Researchers’ Night will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include a poster competition among children and adults, establishing a European stand, organising a Café Scientifique; a concert with participation of musicians – researchers; scenic play performed by researchers; public meeting with Marie Curie scholarship holders; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments and quizzes in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of public on the event and researchers’ profession. The opinion poll results and analysis of Internet comments on the event will allow to evaluate the impact Researchers’ Night and collect ideas for future activities. The event will be documented in video-film for demonstration on TV and recording in DVD for wide distribution.
Project Portal:
Materials for People (Fun2Night)
FP7-228657, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008, 9 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
June 2008 - December 2008
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The main objectives of the Project are to familiarize larger public, especially young people, with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as chemistry, medical science, biochemistry and physics on everyday human life; to show researchers as ordinary people; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to attract young people to research careers. Aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. The theme of the Researchers’ Night in Latvia is “materials for people” – smart, new, or in everyday used common materials. The theme will not be strictly followed. A number of relaxing, attractive, amazing and interactive events will be organised in four towns - Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne and Jelgava. The project will be realised by joint efforts of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 5 Universities, and 2 research institutes (including 1 researcher’s support organisation) with participation of knowledge-based SMEs and spin-offs. The Researchers’ Night will be preceded by a promotion campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include a photo competition among children and adults, establishing a European stand, organising a Café Scientifique; a concert and a rock concert with participation of musicians – researchers; scenic play performed by researchers; public meeting with Marie Curie scholarship holders; arranging a series of events with scientific interactive experiments and quizzes in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of public on the event and researchers’ profession. The opinion poll results and analysis of Internet comments on the event will allow to evaluate the impact Researchers’ Night and collect ideas for future activities. The event will be documented in video-film for demonstration on TV and recording in DVD for wide distribution.
Project Portal:
Researchers‘ Night in Latvia (NIGHTLV)
FP7-200253, Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-5-1-1-NIGHT, 9 partners (Latvia), Status: Beneficiary
August 2007 - November 2007
Administration and all laboratories and research groups
Arnis Kokorevics, Dr., Scientific Secretary,, +371-29473753
The main objectives of the Researchers’ Night are to familiarize larger public, especially young people, with the scientist’s profession; to show the impact of sciences such as chemistry, medical science, biochemistry, physics, on everyday human life; to show researchers as ordinary people; to bring researchers closer to the Latvian society and to attract more young people to research careers. The aim of the activities is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in Latvian society. There will not be a strict thematic priority to the Researchers’ Night, although most of the fields covered will be directly or indirectly related to human health – life sciences, biology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical industry, food research, etc. It will be achieved by organising a series of attractive events in three towns - Riga, Daugavpils and Jelgava – all important research centres of Latvia. The project will be realised by joint efforts of 4 Universities, Ministry of Education and Science, 2 research institutes, 1 researcher’s support organisation and 1 professional association. The Researchers’ Night will be preceded by a promotional campaign in mass media. The scope of activities will include a drawing competition among children, establishing a European stand, organising a Café Scientifique; scenic plays performed by researchers; holding public meetings with Marie Curie scholarship holders; arranging a series of events with scientific experiments in research institutes and universities. An opinion survey will be performed to size up the viewpoints of general public on researchers’ profession, evaluate the impact of the event and collect ideas for future activities. The event will be documented in video-film for further demonstration in TV, other events and schools.
Project Portal: